Commit 275aeada authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue 12510: Delete actual first param name for all methods; revise tests.

parent 9f6707a5
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def get_entity(expression):
return None
# The following are used in both get_argspec and tests
_self_pat = re.compile('self\,?\s*')
_first_param = re.compile('(?<=\()\w*\,?\s*')
_default_callable_argspec = "No docstring, see docs."
def get_argspec(ob):
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def get_argspec(ob):
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getfullargspec(fob))
if (isinstance(ob, (type, types.MethodType)) or
isinstance(ob.__call__, types.MethodType)):
argspec = _self_pat.sub("", argspec)
argspec = _first_param.sub("", argspec)
if isinstance(ob.__call__, types.MethodType):
doc = ob.__call__.__doc__
......@@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ def main():
def t2(a, b=None): "(a, b=None)"
def t3(a, *args): "(a, *args)"
def t4(*args): "(*args)"
def t5(a, *args): "(a, *args)"
def t6(a, b=None, *args, **kw): "(a, b=None, *args, **kw)"
def t5(a, b=None, *args, **kw): "(a, b=None, *args, **kw)"
class TC(object):
"(ai=None, *b)"
......@@ -179,13 +178,13 @@ def main():
def t2(self, ai, b=None): "(self, ai, b=None)"
def t3(self, ai, *args): "(self, ai, *args)"
def t4(self, *args): "(self, *args)"
def t5(self, ai, *args): "(self, ai, *args)"
def t6(self, ai, b=None, *args, **kw): "(self, ai, b=None, *args, **kw)"
def t5(self, ai, b=None, *args, **kw): "(self, ai, b=None, *args, **kw)"
def t6(no, self): "(no, self)"
def cm(cls, a): "(cls, a)"
def sm(b): "(b)"
def __call__(self, ci): "(ci)"
def __call__(self, ci): "(self, ci)"
tc = TC()
......@@ -228,19 +227,26 @@ def main():
test('SB()', _default_callable_argspec)
def test_funcs():
for func in (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, TC,):
for func in (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, TC,):
fdoc = func.__doc__
test(func.__name__, fdoc + "\n" + fdoc)
for func in (TC.t1, TC.t2, TC.t3, TC.t4, TC.t5, TC.t6,,
for func in (TC.t1, TC.t2, TC.t3, TC.t4, TC.t5, TC.t6,,
fdoc = func.__doc__
test('TC.'+func.__name__, fdoc + "\n" + fdoc)
fdoc =
test('', fdoc + "\n" + fdoc)
def test_methods():
for func in (tc.t1, tc.t2, tc.t3, tc.t4, tc.t5, tc.t6):
fdoc = func.__doc__
test('tc.'+func.__name__, _self_pat.sub("", fdoc) + "\n" + fdoc)
fdoc = tc.__call__.__doc__
test('tc', fdoc + "\n" + fdoc)
# test that first parameter is correctly removed from argspec
# using _first_param re to calculate expected masks re errors
for meth, mdoc in ((tc.t1, "()"), (tc.t4, "(*args)"), (tc.t6, "(self)"),
(, "(a)"),):
test('tc.'+meth.__name__, mdoc + "\n" + meth.__doc__)
test('tc', "(ci)" + "\n" + tc.__call__.__doc__)
# directly test that re works to delete unicode parameter name
uni = "(A\u0391\u0410\u05d0\u0627\u0905\u1e00\u3042, a)" # various As
assert _first_param.sub('', uni) == '(a)'
def test_non_callables():
# expression evaluates, but not to a callable
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