Commit 277859d5 authored by Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Issue #2110: Add support for thousands separator and 'n' format specifier

to Decimal __format__ method.
parent ed3558b3
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -616,6 +616,7 @@ class DecimalImplicitConstructionTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10)' + sym + 'E()'),
'10' + rop + 'str')
class DecimalFormatTest(unittest.TestCase):
'''Unit tests for the format function.'''
def test_formatting(self):
......@@ -705,15 +706,110 @@ class DecimalFormatTest(unittest.TestCase):
('', '1.00', '1.00'),
# check alignment
# test alignment and padding
('<6', '123', '123 '),
('>6', '123', ' 123'),
('^6', '123', ' 123 '),
('=+6', '123', '+ 123'),
('#<10', 'NaN', 'NaN#######'),
('#<10', '-4.3', '-4.3######'),
('#<+10', '0.0130', '+0.0130###'),
('#< 10', '0.0130', ' 0.0130###'),
('@>10', '-Inf', '@-Infinity'),
('#>5', '-Inf', '-Infinity'),
('?^5', '123', '?123?'),
('%^6', '123', '%123%%'),
(' ^6', '-45.6', '-45.6 '),
('/=10', '-45.6', '-/////45.6'),
('/=+10', '45.6', '+/////45.6'),
('/= 10', '45.6', ' /////45.6'),
# thousands separator
(',', '1234567', '1,234,567'),
(',', '123456', '123,456'),
(',', '12345', '12,345'),
(',', '1234', '1,234'),
(',', '123', '123'),
(',', '12', '12'),
(',', '1', '1'),
(',', '0', '0'),
(',', '-1234567', '-1,234,567'),
(',', '-123456', '-123,456'),
('7,', '123456', '123,456'),
('8,', '123456', '123,456 '),
('08,', '123456', '0,123,456'), # special case: extra 0 needed
('+08,', '123456', '+123,456'), # but not if there's a sign
(' 08,', '123456', ' 123,456'),
('08,', '-123456', '-123,456'),
('+09,', '123456', '+0,123,456'),
# ... with fractional part...
('07,', '1234.56', '1,234.56'),
('08,', '1234.56', '1,234.56'),
('09,', '1234.56', '01,234.56'),
('010,', '1234.56', '001,234.56'),
('011,', '1234.56', '0,001,234.56'),
('012,', '1234.56', '0,001,234.56'),
('08,.1f', '1234.5', '01,234.5'),
# no thousands separators in fraction part
(',', '1.23456789', '1.23456789'),
(',%', '123.456789', '12,345.6789%'),
(',e', '123456', '1.23456e+5'),
(',E', '123456', '1.23456E+5'),
for fmt, d, result in test_values:
self.assertEqual(format(Decimal(d), fmt), result)
def test_n_format(self):
from locale import CHAR_MAX
except ImportError:
# Set up some localeconv-like dictionaries
en_US = {
'decimal_point' : '.',
'grouping' : [3, 3, 0],
'thousands_sep': ','
fr_FR = {
'decimal_point' : ',',
'grouping' : [CHAR_MAX],
'thousands_sep' : ''
ru_RU = {
'decimal_point' : ',',
'grouping' : [3, 3, 0],
'thousands_sep' : ' '
crazy = {
'decimal_point' : '&',
'grouping' : [1, 4, 2, CHAR_MAX],
'thousands_sep' : '-'
def get_fmt(x, locale, fmt='n'):
return Decimal.__format__(Decimal(x), fmt, _localeconv=locale)
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), en_US), '12.7')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), fr_FR), '12,7')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), ru_RU), '12,7')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), crazy), '1-2&7')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, en_US), '123,456,789')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, fr_FR), '123456789')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, ru_RU), '123 456 789')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(1234567890123, crazy), '123456-78-9012-3')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, en_US, '.6n'), '1.23457e+8')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, fr_FR, '.6n'), '1,23457e+8')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, ru_RU, '.6n'), '1,23457e+8')
self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, crazy, '.6n'), '1&23457e+8')
class DecimalArithmeticOperatorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
'''Unit tests for all arithmetic operators, binary and unary.'''
......@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #2110: Add support for thousands separator and 'n' type
specifier to Decimal.__format__
- Fix Decimal.__format__ bug that swapped the meanings of the '<' and
'>' alignment characters.
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