Commit 286225b5 authored by Michael W. Hudson's avatar Michael W. Hudson

easy --disable-unicode proofing.

parent d95c8283
"""Test the binascii C module."""
from test_support import verify, verbose
from test_support import verify, verbose, have_unicode
import binascii
# Show module doc string
......@@ -112,7 +112,9 @@ else:
print 'expected TypeError not raised'
# Verify the treatment of Unicode strings
verify(binascii.hexlify(u'a') == '61', "hexlify failed for Unicode")
if have_unicode:
verify(binascii.hexlify(unicode('a', 'ascii')) == '61',
"hexlify failed for Unicode")
# A test for SF bug 534347 (segfaults without the proper fix)
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