Commit 291481b4 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Reduce the size of Big String and Big Binary tests to 2**14 (minus one

for Big String).  This should make the tests pass on Win98SE.  Note
that the docs only promise lengths up to 2048.  Unfortunately this no
longer tests for the segfault I was seeing earlier, but I'm confident
I've nailed that one. :-)  Fixes SF 852281.  Will backport to 2.3.
parent 7bafa9f3
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ test_data = [
("StringExpand", "The path is %path%", REG_EXPAND_SZ),
("Multi-string", ["Lots", "of", "string", "values"], REG_MULTI_SZ),
("Raw Data", ("binary"+chr(0)+"data"), REG_BINARY),
("Big String", "x"*(512*1024-4), REG_SZ),
("Big Binary", "x"*(1024*1024-4), REG_BINARY),
("Big String", "x"*(2**14-1), REG_SZ),
("Big Binary", "x"*(2**14), REG_BINARY),
if have_unicode:
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