Commit 2971c5e9 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #22384: An exception in Tkinter callback no longer crashes the program

when it is run with pythonw.exe.

Documented that Tk.report_callback_exception() is purposed to be overriden in
parent 7644ff1f
......@@ -1879,9 +1879,12 @@ class Tk(Misc, Wm):
if os.path.isfile(base_py):
execfile(base_py, dir)
def report_callback_exception(self, exc, val, tb):
"""Internal function. It reports exception on sys.stderr."""
"""Report callback exception on sys.stderr.
Applications may want to override this internal function, and
should when sys.stderr is None."""
import traceback, sys
sys.stderr.write("Exception in Tkinter callback\n")
print >>sys.stderr, "Exception in Tkinter callback"
sys.last_type = exc
sys.last_value = val
sys.last_traceback = tb
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