Commit 29824a02 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

dictresize(): Rebuild small tables if there are any dummies, not just if

they're entirely full.  Not a question of correctness, but of temporarily
misplaced common sense.
parent 8fa123da
......@@ -427,16 +427,20 @@ dictresize(dictobject *mp, int minused)
is_oldtable_malloced = oldtable != mp->ma_smalltable;
if (newsize == MINSIZE) {
/* Either a large table is shrinking, or we can't get any
smaller. */
/* A large table is shrinking, or we can't get any smaller. */
newtable = mp->ma_smalltable;
if (newtable == oldtable) {
if (mp->ma_fill < mp->ma_size)
if (mp->ma_fill == mp->ma_used) {
/* No dummies, so no point doing anything. */
return 0;
/* The small table is entirely full. We're not
going to resise it, but need to rebuild it
anyway to purge old dummy entries. */
assert(mp->ma_fill > mp->ma_used); /* a dummy exists */
/* We're not going to resize it, but rebuild the
table anyway to purge old dummy entries.
Subtle: This is *necessary* if fill==size,
as lookdict needs at least one virgin slot to
terminate failing searches. If fill < size, it's
merely desirable, as dummies slow searches. */
assert(mp->ma_fill > mp->ma_used);
memcpy(small_copy, oldtable, sizeof(small_copy));
oldtable = small_copy;
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