Commit 29dce7bd authored by Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes

I've created three bat files based on the howto...

I've created three bat files based on the howto

I figured out that the files may suite other developers. The files take care of most problems and makes building Python on Windows easier. Simply double click on build_env.bat to open a shell and type build.
parent 7f6751bd
@echo off
set target=end
if "%1"=="makeinfo" goto makeinfo
if "%1"=="clean" goto clean
if "%1"=="build" goto build
if "%1"=="setargv" goto setargv
if "%1"=="" goto build
echo Usage: build.bat build
echo build.bat clean
echo build.bat setargv
goto end
del *.pyd *.exe *.dll *.exp *.lib *.pdb *.o
rmdir /S /Q temp
rmdir /S /Q x86-temp-release
goto %target%
cl /c /I"%SDK%\src\crt" /MD /D_CRTBLD "%SDK%\src\crt\setargv.c"
if not exist setargv.obj echo An error occured & goto end
echo copy setargv.obj "%SDK%\Lib"
copy setargv.obj "%SDK%\Lib"
del setargv.obj
goto %target%
nant all
lib /def: x86-temp-release\make_buildinfo\make_buildinfo.obj
lib /def: x86-temp-release\make_versioninfo\make_versioninfo.obj
goto %target%
if not exist make_buildinfo.lib set target=realbuild & goto makeinfo
if not exist make_versioninfo.lib set target=realbuild & goto makeinfo
if exist "%SDK%\Lib\setargv.obj" goto realbuild
echo !!!!!!!!
echo setargv.obj is missing. Please call build setargv
echo !!!!!!!!
if not exist sqlite3.dll copy ..\..\sqlite-source-3.3.4\sqlite3.dll .
nant all
goto end
\ No newline at end of file
@%comspec% /k env.bat
\ No newline at end of file
@echo off
rem Set these values according to where you installed the software
rem You need to install the necessary bits mentioned in:
set TOOLKIT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
set SDK=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2
set NET=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
set NANT=%ProgramFiles%\Nant
set PATH=%TOOLKIT%\bin;%PATH%;%SDK%\Bin\Win64;%NANT%\bin;%SDK%\bin
set INCLUDE=%TOOLKIT%\include;%SDK%\Include;%INCLUDE%
set LIB=%TOOLKIT%\lib;%NET%\VC7\lib;%SDK%\lib;%LIB%
echo Build environment for Python
echo SDK=%SDK%
echo NET=%NET%
echo NANT=%NANT%
echo Commands:
echo * build
echo * rt
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