Commit 2a570049 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Changes to deal with the sigcheck+intrcheck vs. signalmodule controversy.

parent 2e23c312
......@@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ Makefiles: config.status Modules/Makefile.pre
(echo making Makefile in subdirectory $$i; cd $$i; \
$(MAKE) Makefile); \
-(rm -f Modules/hassignal; cd Modules; $(MAKE) hassignal)
# Build the intermediate Makefile in Modules
Modules/Makefile.pre: config.status
......@@ -110,12 +110,10 @@ all: $(OBJS)
# To deal with the conflict between signalmodule.o and
# sigcheck.o+intrcheck.o, we remove the latter two if we have the former.
add2lib: $(OBJS)
-for i in $(OBJS); do \
if test "$$i" = "signalmodule.o"; then \
$(AR) d $(LIBRARY) sigcheck.o intrcheck.o 2>/dev/null; \
break; \
fi; \
-if test -f hassignal; \
then echo removing sigcheck.o intrcheck.o; \
$(AR) d $(LIBRARY) sigcheck.o intrcheck.o 2>/dev/null; \
else echo leaving sigcheck.o intrcheck.o in; fi
$(AR) cr $(LIBRARY) $(OBJS)
touch add2lib
......@@ -152,6 +150,14 @@ config.c Makefile:
-rm -f $(LIBRARY)
$(SHELL) $(MAKESETUP) Setup.thread Setup.local Setup
-rm -f hassignal
-for i in $(OBJS); do \
if test "$$i" = "signalmodule.o"; then \
echo yes >hassignal; break; \
fi; \
cp $(srcdir)/ Setup
......@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ POBJS= acceler.o grammar1.o \
parsetok.o tokenizer.o bitset.o \
OBJS= $(POBJS) intrcheck.o myreadline.o
AROBJS= $(POBJS) myreadline.o
OBJS= $(AROBJS) intrcheck.o
PGENMAIN= pgenmain.o
......@@ -54,7 +56,10 @@ all: $(PGEN) $(OBJS)
# This target is used by the master Makefile to add the objects to the library
add2lib: $(OBJS)
$(AR) cr $(LIBRARY) $(OBJS)
if test ! -f ../Modules/hassignal; \
then echo adding intrcheck.o; $(AR) r $(LIBRARY) intrcheck.o; \
else echo leaving intrcheck.o out; fi
touch add2lib
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ SHELL= /bin/sh
# === Fixed definitions ===
bltinmodule.o \
ceval.o compile.o \
errors.o \
......@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@ OBJS= \
import.o importdl.o \
marshal.o modsupport.o mystrtoul.o \
pyfpe.o pystate.o pythonrun.o \
sigcheck.o structmember.o sysmodule.o \
structmember.o sysmodule.o \
traceback.o \
OBJS= $(AROBJS) sigcheck.o
LIBRARY= ../libpython$(VERSION).a
......@@ -57,7 +58,10 @@ all: $(OBJS)
# This target is used by the master Makefile to add the objects to the library
add2lib: $(OBJS)
$(AR) cr $(LIBRARY) $(OBJS)
if test ! -f ../Modules/hassignal; \
then echo adding sigcheck.o; $(AR) r $(LIBRARY) sigcheck.o; \
else echo leaving sigcheck.o out; fi
touch add2lib
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