Commit 2a9b9cbe authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

#687648 from Robert Schuppenies: use classic division.

parent e91fcbdf
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def recvfile_real(local, remote, name):
dt = t2-t1
print size, "bytes in", round(dt), "seconds",
if dt:
print "i.e.", int(size/dt), "bytes/sec",
print "i.e.", size//dt, "bytes/sec",
remote._recv(id) # ignored
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class Packer:
def pack_fstring(self, n, s):
if n < 0:
raise ValueError, 'fstring size must be nonnegative'
n = ((n+3)/4)*4
n = ((n + 3)//4)*4
data = s[:n]
data = data + (n - len(data)) * '\0'
self.buf = self.buf + data
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class Unpacker:
if n < 0:
raise ValueError, 'fstring size must be nonnegative'
i = self.pos
j = i + (n+3)/4*4
j = i + (n+3)//4*4
if j > len(self.buf):
raise EOFError
self.pos = j
......@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ def fact(n):
# Treat even factors special, so we can use i = i+2 later
while n%2 == 0:
n = n/2
n = n//2
# Try odd numbers up to sqrt(n)
limit = sqrt(float(n+1))
i = 3
while i <= limit:
if n%i == 0:
n = n/i
n = n//i
limit = sqrt(n+1)
i = i+2
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def main():
def showbar(dict, title):
n = len(title)
print '='*((70-n)/2), title, '='*((71-n)/2)
print '='*((70-n)//2), title, '='*((71-n)//2)
list = []
keys = dict.keys()
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def show(dict, title, maxitems):
if len(dict) > maxitems:
title = title + ' (first %d)'%maxitems
n = len(title)
print '='*((70-n)/2), title, '='*((71-n)/2)
print '='*((70-n)//2), title, '='*((71-n)//2)
list = []
keys = dict.keys()
for key in keys:
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def makestatus(name, thisuser):
if totaljobs:
line = '%d K' % ((totalbytes+1023)/1024)
line = '%d K' % ((totalbytes+1023)//1024)
if totaljobs <> len(users):
line = line + ' (%d jobs)' % totaljobs
if len(users) == 1:
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def makestatus(name, thisuser):
line = line + ' (%s first)' % thisuser
line = line + ' (%d K before %s)' % (
(aheadbytes+1023)/1024, thisuser)
(aheadbytes+1023)//1024, thisuser)
sts = pipe.close()
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def test():
def tuple(list):
if len(list) == 0: return ()
if len(list) == 1: return (list[0],)
i = len(list)/2
i = len(list)//2
return tuple(list[:i]) + tuple(list[i:])
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ def main():
p, q, k = k*k, 2L*k+1L, k+1L
a, b, a1, b1 = a1, b1, p*a+q*a1, p*b+q*b1
# Print common digits
d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1
d, d1 = a//b, a1//b1
while d == d1:
a, a1 = 10L*(a%b), 10L*(a1%b1)
d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1
d, d1 = a//b, a1//b1
def output(d):
# Use write() to avoid spaces between the digits
......@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ def mkdate((year, month, day)):
# even though that day never actually existed and the calendar
# was different then...
days = year*365 # years, roughly
days = days + (year+3)/4 # plus leap years, roughly
days = days - (year+99)/100 # minus non-leap years every century
days = days + (year+399)/400 # plus leap years every 4 centirues
days = days + (year+3)//4 # plus leap years, roughly
days = days - (year+99)//100 # minus non-leap years every century
days = days + (year+399)//400 # plus leap years every 4 centirues
for i in range(1, month):
if i == 2 and calendar.isleap(year):
days = days + 29
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def sendportcmd(s, f, port):
hostname = gethostname()
hostaddr = gethostbyname(hostname)
hbytes = string.splitfields(hostaddr, '.')
pbytes = [repr(port/256), repr(port%256)]
pbytes = [repr(port//256), repr(port%256)]
bytes = hbytes + pbytes
cmd = 'PORT ' + string.joinfields(bytes, ',')
s.send(cmd + '\r\n')
......@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ class Tkhanoi:
# Add background bitmap
if bitmap:
self.bitmap = c.create_bitmap(width/2, height/2,
self.bitmap = c.create_bitmap(width//2, height//2,
# Generate pegs
pegwidth = 10
pegheight = height/2
pegdist = width/3
x1, y1 = (pegdist-pegwidth)/2, height*1/3
pegheight = height//2
pegdist = width//3
x1, y1 = (pegdist-pegwidth)//2, height*1//3
x2, y2 = x1+pegwidth, y1+pegheight
self.pegs = []
p = c.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill='black')
......@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ class Tkhanoi:
# Generate pieces
pieceheight = pegheight/16
maxpiecewidth = pegdist*2/3
pieceheight = pegheight//16
maxpiecewidth = pegdist*2//3
minpiecewidth = 2*pegwidth
self.pegstate = [[], [], []]
self.pieces = {}
x1, y1 = (pegdist-maxpiecewidth)/2, y2-pieceheight-2
x1, y1 = (pegdist-maxpiecewidth)//2, y2-pieceheight-2
x2, y2 = x1+maxpiecewidth, y1+pieceheight
dx = (maxpiecewidth-minpiecewidth) / (2*max(1, n-1))
dx = (maxpiecewidth-minpiecewidth) // (2*max(1, n-1))
for i in range(n, 0, -1):
p = c.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill='red')
self.pieces[i] = p
......@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ class Tkhanoi:
# Move it towards peg b
bx1, by1, bx2, by2 = c.bbox(self.pegs[b])
newcenter = (bx1+bx2)/2
newcenter = (bx1+bx2)//2
while 1:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = c.bbox(p)
center = (x1+x2)/2
center = (x1+x2)//2
if center == newcenter: break
if center > newcenter: c.move(p, -1, 0)
else: c.move(p, 1, 0)
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class Card: = Group(canvas)
text = "%s %s" % (VALNAMES[value], suit)
self.__text = CanvasText(canvas, CARDWIDTH/2, 0,
self.__text = CanvasText(canvas, CARDWIDTH//2, 0,
anchor=N, fill=self.color, text=text)
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ class Solitaire:
def animatedmoveto(self, card, dest):
for i in range(10, 0, -1):
dx, dy = (dest.x-card.x)/i, (dest.y-card.y)/i
dx, dy = (dest.x-card.x)//i, (dest.y-card.y)//i
card.moveby(dx, dy)
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class Array:
if self.speed == "fastest":
msecs = 0
elif self.speed == "fast":
msecs = msecs/10
msecs = msecs//10
elif self.speed == "single-step":
msecs = 1000000000
if not self.stop_mainloop:
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ class ArrayItem:
return outcome
def position(self):
x1 = (self.index+1)*XGRID - WIDTH/2
x1 = (self.index+1)*XGRID - WIDTH//2
x2 = x1+WIDTH
y2 = (self.array.maxvalue+1)*YGRID
y1 = y2 - (self.value)*YGRID
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ def interpolate(oldpts, newpts, n):
res = [tuple(oldpts)]
for i in range(1, n):
for k in range(len(pts)):
pts[k] = oldpts[k] + (newpts[k] - oldpts[k])*i/n
pts[k] = oldpts[k] + (newpts[k] - oldpts[k])*i//n
return res
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ def interpolate(oldpts, newpts, n):
def uniform(array):
size = array.getsize()
array.setdata([(size+1)/2] * size)
array.setdata([(size+1)//2] * size)
array.reset("Uniform data, size %d" % size)
def distinct(array):
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ def quicksort(array):
j = j-1
array.message("Choosing pivot")
j, i, k = first, (first+last)/2, last-1
j, i, k = first, (first+last)//2, last-1
if, i) < 0:
array.swap(k, i)
if, j) < 0:
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