Commit 2acb4a2d authored by Éric Araujo's avatar Éric Araujo

Branch merge

parents 9d2470af ee1e9649
.. _socket-howto:
Socket Programming HOWTO
......@@ -30,14 +30,3 @@ cur.execute("select ?", ("this is latin1 and would normally create errors" +
row = cur.fetchone()
assert type(row[0]) == str
# sqlite3 offers a built-in optimized text_factory that will return bytestring
# objects, if the data is in ASCII only, and otherwise return unicode objects
con.text_factory = sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode
cur.execute("select ?", (AUSTRIA,))
row = cur.fetchone()
assert type(row[0]) == str
cur.execute("select ?", ("Germany",))
row = cur.fetchone()
assert type(row[0]) == str
......@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
.. module:: copy
:synopsis: Shallow and deep copy operations.
This module provides generic (shallow and deep) copying operations.
Assignment statements in Python do not copy objects, they create bindings
between a target and an object. For collections that are mutable or contain
mutable items, a copy is sometimes needed so one can change one copy without
changing the other. This module provides generic shallow and deep copy
operations (explained below).
Interface summary:
......@@ -1411,6 +1411,43 @@ or `the MSDN <>`_ on Window
.. versionadded:: 3.3
.. _terminal-size:
Querying the size of a terminal
.. versionadded:: 3.3
.. function:: get_terminal_size(fd=STDOUT_FILENO)
Return the size of the terminal window as ``(columns, lines)``,
tuple of type :class:`terminal_size`.
The optional argument ``fd`` (default ``STDOUT_FILENO``, or standard
output) specifies which file descriptor should be queried.
If the file descriptor is not connected to a terminal, an :exc:`OSError`
is thrown.
:func:`shutil.get_terminal_size` is the high-level function which
should normally be used, ``os.get_terminal_size`` is the low-level
Availability: Unix, Windows.
.. class:: terminal_size(tuple)
A tuple of ``(columns, lines)`` for holding terminal window size.
.. attribute:: columns
Width of the terminal window in characters.
.. attribute:: lines
Height of the terminal window in characters.
.. _os-file-dir:
Files and Directories
......@@ -459,3 +459,36 @@ The resulting archive contains::
-rw------- tarek/staff 1675 2008-06-09 13:26:54 ./id_rsa
-rw-r--r-- tarek/staff 397 2008-06-09 13:26:54 ./
-rw-r--r-- tarek/staff 37192 2010-02-06 18:23:10 ./known_hosts
Querying the size of the output terminal
.. versionadded:: 3.3
.. function:: get_terminal_size(fallback=(columns, lines))
Get the size of the terminal window.
For each of the two dimensions, the environment variable, ``COLUMNS``
and ``LINES`` respectively, is checked. If the variable is defined and
the value is a positive integer, it is used.
When ``COLUMNS`` or ``LINES`` is not defined, which is the common case,
the terminal connected to :data:`sys.__stdout__` is queried
by invoking :func:`os.get_terminal_size`.
If the terminal size cannot be successfully queried, either because
the system doesn't support querying, or because we are not
connected to a terminal, the value given in ``fallback`` parameter
is used. ``fallback`` defaults to ``(80, 24)`` which is the default
size used by many terminal emulators.
The value returned is a named tuple of type :class:`os.terminal_size`.
See also: The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2,
`Other Environment Variables`_.
.. _`Other Environment Variables`:
......@@ -981,7 +981,8 @@ correspond to Unix system calls applicable to sockets.
optional *flags* argument has the same meaning as for :meth:`recv` above.
Returns the number of bytes sent. Applications are responsible for checking that
all data has been sent; if only some of the data was transmitted, the
application needs to attempt delivery of the remaining data.
application needs to attempt delivery of the remaining data. For further
information on this topic, consult the :ref:`socket-howto`.
.. method:: socket.sendall(bytes[, flags])
......@@ -1169,8 +1170,8 @@ using it. Note that a server must perform the sequence :func:`socket`,
:meth:`~socket.bind`, :meth:`~socket.listen`, :meth:`~socket.accept` (possibly
repeating the :meth:`~socket.accept` to service more than one client), while a
client only needs the sequence :func:`socket`, :meth:`~socket.connect`. Also
note that the server does not :meth:`~socket.send`/:meth:`~socket.recv` on the
socket it is listening on but on the new socket returned by
note that the server does not :meth:`~socket.sendall`/:meth:`~socket.recv` on
the socket it is listening on but on the new socket returned by
The first two examples support IPv4 only. ::
......@@ -1188,7 +1189,7 @@ The first two examples support IPv4 only. ::
while True:
data = conn.recv(1024)
if not data: break
......@@ -1200,7 +1201,7 @@ The first two examples support IPv4 only. ::
PORT = 50007 # The same port as used by the server
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send(b'Hello, world')
s.sendall(b'Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print('Received', repr(data))
......@@ -1272,7 +1273,7 @@ sends traffic to the first one connected successfully. ::
if s is None:
print('could not open socket')
s.send(b'Hello, world')
s.sendall(b'Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print('Received', repr(data))
......@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ This is the server side::
print("{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0]))
# just send back the same data, but upper-cased
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ objects that simplify communication by providing the standard file interface)::
The difference is that the ``readline()`` call in the second handler will call
``recv()`` multiple times until it encounters a newline character, while the
single ``recv()`` call in the first handler will just return what has been sent
from the client in one ``send()`` call.
from the client in one ``sendall()`` call.
This is the client side::
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ This is the client side::
# Connect to server and send data
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
sock.send(bytes(data + "\n", "utf-8"))
sock.sendall(bytes(data + "\n", "utf-8"))
# Receive data from the server and shut down
received = str(sock.recv(1024), "utf-8")
......@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ An example for the :class:`ThreadingMixIn` class::
data = str(self.request.recv(1024), 'ascii')
cur_thread = threading.current_thread()
response = bytes("{}: {}".format(, data), 'ascii')
class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ An example for the :class:`ThreadingMixIn` class::
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((ip, port))
sock.send(bytes(message, 'ascii'))
sock.sendall(bytes(message, 'ascii'))
response = str(sock.recv(1024), 'ascii')
print("Received: {}".format(response))
......@@ -436,10 +436,6 @@ Connection Objects
:mod:`sqlite3` module will return Unicode objects for ``TEXT``. If you want to
return bytestrings instead, you can set it to :class:`bytes`.
For efficiency reasons, there's also a way to return :class:`str` objects
only for non-ASCII data, and :class:`bytes` otherwise. To activate it, set
this attribute to :const:`sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode`.
You can also set it to any other callable that accepts a single bytestring
parameter and returns the resulting object.
......@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ __all__ = ['__import__', 'import_module']
from . import _bootstrap
import os
import re
import tokenize
# To simplify imports in test code
_w_long = _bootstrap._w_long
......@@ -32,31 +29,10 @@ _r_long = _bootstrap._r_long
# Bootstrap help #####################################################
import imp
import sys
# Required built-in modules.
import posix as _os
except ImportError:
import nt as _os
except ImportError:
import os2 as _os
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('posix, nt, or os2 module required for importlib')
_bootstrap._os = _os
import imp, sys, marshal, _io
_bootstrap.imp = imp
_bootstrap.sys = sys
_bootstrap.marshal = marshal
_bootstrap._io = _io
import _warnings
_bootstrap._warnings = _warnings
from os import sep
# For os.path.join replacement; pull from Include/osdefs.h:SEP .
_bootstrap.path_sep = sep
_bootstrap._setup(sys, imp)
# Public API #########################################################
......@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ def _write_atomic(path, data):
def _wrap(new, old):
"""Simple substitute for functools.wraps."""
for replace in ['__module__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__']:
setattr(new, replace, getattr(old, replace))
if hasattr(old, replace):
setattr(new, replace, getattr(old, replace))
......@@ -717,7 +718,7 @@ class PathFinder:
finder = sys.path_importer_cache[path]
except KeyError:
finder = cls._path_hooks(path)
finder = cls._path_hooks(path if path != '' else _os.getcwd())
sys.path_importer_cache[path] = finder
if finder is None and default:
......@@ -994,3 +995,46 @@ def __import__(name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=0):
except ImportError:
return module
def _setup(sys_module, imp_module):
"""Setup importlib by importing needed built-in modules and injecting them
into the global namespace.
As sys is needed for sys.modules access and imp is needed to load built-in
modules those two modules must be explicitly passed in.
global imp, sys
imp = imp_module
sys = sys_module
for module in (imp, sys):
if not hasattr(module, '__loader__'):
module.__loader__ = BuiltinImporter
self_module = sys.modules[__name__]
for builtin_name in ('_io', '_warnings', 'builtins', 'marshal'):
if builtin_name not in sys.modules:
builtin_module = BuiltinImporter.load_module(builtin_name)
builtin_module = sys.modules[builtin_name]
setattr(self_module, builtin_name, builtin_module)
for builtin_os, path_sep in [('posix', '/'), ('nt', '\\'), ('os2', '\\')]:
if builtin_os in sys.modules:
os_module = sys.modules[builtin_os]
os_module = BuiltinImporter.load_module(builtin_os)
# TODO: rip out os2 code after 3.3 is released as per PEP 11
if builtin_os == 'os2' and 'EMX GCC' in sys.version:
path_sep = '/'
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('importlib requires posix or nt')
setattr(self_module, '_os', os_module)
setattr(self_module, 'path_sep', path_sep)
......@@ -73,6 +73,16 @@ class FinderTests(unittest.TestCase):
loader = machinery.PathFinder.find_module(module)
self.assertTrue(loader is importer)
def test_path_importer_cache_empty_string(self):
# The empty string should create a finder using the cwd.
path = ''
module = '<test module>'
importer = util.mock_modules(module)
hook = import_util.mock_path_hook(os.getcwd(), importer=importer)
with util.import_state(path=[path], path_hooks=[hook]):
loader = machinery.PathFinder.find_module(module)
self.assertIs(loader, importer)
self.assertIn('', sys.path_importer_cache)
class DefaultPathFinderTests(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -544,7 +544,8 @@ else:
obsize, ibsize = 0, BUFSIZE
h1 = win32.CreateNamedPipe(
address, openmode | win32.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,
address, openmode | win32.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED |
1, obsize, ibsize, win32.NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, win32.NULL
......@@ -576,7 +577,10 @@ class SocketListener(object):
def __init__(self, address, family, backlog=1):
self._socket = socket.socket(getattr(socket, family))
self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# SO_REUSEADDR has different semantics on Windows (issue #2550).
if == 'posix':
socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self._address = self._socket.getsockname()
......@@ -630,7 +634,8 @@ if sys.platform == 'win32':
def __init__(self, address, backlog=None):
self._address = address
handle = win32.CreateNamedPipe(
address, win32.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX,
address, win32.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX |
......@@ -878,3 +878,46 @@ def chown(path, user=None, group=None):
raise LookupError("no such group: {!r}".format(group))
os.chown(path, _user, _group)
def get_terminal_size(fallback=(80, 24)):
"""Get the size of the terminal window.
For each of the two dimensions, the environment variable, COLUMNS
and LINES respectively, is checked. If the variable is defined and
the value is a positive integer, it is used.
When COLUMNS or LINES is not defined, which is the common case,
the terminal connected to sys.__stdout__ is queried
by invoking os.get_terminal_size.
If the terminal size cannot be successfully queried, either because
the system doesn't support querying, or because we are not
connected to a terminal, the value given in fallback parameter
is used. Fallback defaults to (80, 24) which is the default
size used by many terminal emulators.
The value returned is a named tuple of type os.terminal_size.
# columns, lines are the working values
columns = int(os.environ['COLUMNS'])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
columns = 0
lines = int(os.environ['LINES'])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
lines = 0
# only query if necessary
if columns <= 0 or lines <= 0:
size = os.get_terminal_size(sys.__stdout__.fileno())
except (NameError, OSError):
size = os.terminal_size(fallback)
if columns <= 0:
columns = size.columns
if lines <= 0:
lines = size.lines
return os.terminal_size((columns, lines))
......@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ class TextFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(row[0].endswith("reich"), "column must contain original data")
def CheckOptimizedUnicode(self):
# In py3k, str objects are always returned when text_factory
# is OptimizedUnicode
self.con.text_factory = sqlite.OptimizedUnicode
austria = "sterreich"
germany = "Deutchland"
......@@ -1779,6 +1779,17 @@ class _TestConnection(BaseTestCase):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, reduction.recv_handle, conn)
class _TestListener(BaseTestCase):
ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes')
def test_multiple_bind(self):
for family in self.connection.families:
l = self.connection.Listener(family=family)
self.assertRaises(OSError, self.connection.Listener,
l.address, family)
class _TestListenerClient(BaseTestCase):
ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', 'threads')
......@@ -1799,6 +1810,7 @@ class _TestListenerClient(BaseTestCase):
self.assertEqual(conn.recv(), 'hello')
# Test of sending connection and socket objects between processes
......@@ -1840,6 +1840,50 @@ class Win32DeprecatedBytesAPI(unittest.TestCase):
os.symlink, filename, filename)
@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'get_terminal_size'), "requires os.get_terminal_size")
class TermsizeTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_does_not_crash(self):
"""Check if get_terminal_size() returns a meaningful value.
There's no easy portable way to actually check the size of the
terminal, so let's check if it returns something sensible instead.
size = os.get_terminal_size()
except OSError as e:
if sys.platform == "win32" or e.errno in (errno.EINVAL, errno.ENOTTY):
# Under win32 a generic OSError can be thrown if the
# handle cannot be retrieved
self.skipTest("failed to query terminal size")
self.assertGreaterEqual(size.columns, 0)
self.assertGreaterEqual(size.lines, 0)
def test_stty_match(self):
"""Check if stty returns the same results
stty actually tests stdin, so get_terminal_size is invoked on
stdin explicitly. If stty succeeded, then get_terminal_size()
should work too.
size = subprocess.check_output(['stty', 'size']).decode().split()
except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
self.skipTest("stty invocation failed")
expected = (int(size[1]), int(size[0])) # reversed order
actual = os.get_terminal_size(sys.__stdin__.fileno())
except OSError as e:
if sys.platform == "win32" or e.errno in (errno.EINVAL, errno.ENOTTY):
# Under win32 a generic OSError can be thrown if the
# handle cannot be retrieved
self.skipTest("failed to query terminal size")
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_main():
......@@ -1866,6 +1910,7 @@ def test_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import os
import os.path
import errno
import functools
import subprocess
from test import support
from import TESTFN
from os.path import splitdrive
......@@ -1267,10 +1268,55 @@ class TestCopyFile(unittest.TestCase):
class TermsizeTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_does_not_crash(self):
"""Check if get_terminal_size() returns a meaningful value.
There's no easy portable way to actually check the size of the
terminal, so let's check if it returns something sensible instead.
size = shutil.get_terminal_size()
self.assertGreaterEqual(size.columns, 0)
self.assertGreaterEqual(size.lines, 0)
def test_os_environ_first(self):
"Check if environment variables have precedence"
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
env['COLUMNS'] = '777'
size = shutil.get_terminal_size()
self.assertEqual(size.columns, 777)
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
env['LINES'] = '888'
size = shutil.get_terminal_size()
self.assertEqual(size.lines, 888)
@unittest.skipUnless(os.isatty(sys.__stdout__.fileno()), "not on tty")
def test_stty_match(self):
"""Check if stty returns the same results ignoring env
This test will fail if stdin and stdout are connected to
different terminals with different sizes. Nevertheless, such
situations should be pretty rare.
size = subprocess.check_output(['stty', 'size']).decode().split()
except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
self.skipTest("stty invocation failed")
expected = (int(size[1]), int(size[0])) # reversed order
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
del env['LINES']
del env['COLUMNS']
actual = shutil.get_terminal_size()
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_main():
support.run_unittest(TestShutil, TestMove, TestCopyFile)
support.run_unittest(TestShutil, TestMove, TestCopyFile,
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -675,6 +675,7 @@ class ThreadJoinOnShutdown(BaseTestCase):
@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'fork'), "needs os.fork()")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.platform in platforms_to_skip, "due to known OS bug")
def test_reinit_tls_after_fork(self):
# Issue #13817: fork() would deadlock in a multithreaded program with
# the ad-hoc TLS implementation.
......@@ -466,12 +466,33 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #13845: time.time() now uses GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() instead of
ftime() to have a resolution of 100 ns instead of 1 ms (the clock accuracy is
between 0.5 ms and 15 ms).
- Issue #13921: Undocument and clean up sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode,
which is obsolete in Python 3.x. It's now aliased to str for
backwards compatibility.
- When '' is a path (e.g. in sys.path), make sure __file__ uses the current
working directory instead of '' in importlib.
- Issue #13609: Add two functions to query the terminal size:
os.get_terminal_size (low level) and shutil.get_terminal_size (high level).
Patch by Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek.
- Issue #13845: On Windows, time.time() now uses GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()
instead of ftime() to have a resolution of 100 ns instead of 1 ms (the clock
accuracy is between 0.5 ms and 15 ms).
- Issue #13846: Add time.monotonic(), monotonic clock.
- Issue #8184: multiprocessing: On Windows, don't set SO_REUSEADDR on
Connection sockets, and set FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE on named pipes, to
make sure two listeners can't bind to the same socket/pipe (or any existing
- Issue #9021: Add an introduction to the copy module documentation.
- Issue #6005: Examples in the socket library documentation use sendall, where
relevant, instead send method.
- Issue #10811: Fix recursive usage of cursors. Instead of crashing,
raise a ProgrammingError now.
......@@ -784,6 +784,7 @@ create_win32_namespace(void)
......@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ typedef struct
/* Determines how bytestrings from SQLite are converted to Python objects:
* - PyUnicode_Type: Python Unicode objects are constructed from UTF-8 bytestrings
* - OptimizedUnicode: Like before, but for ASCII data, only PyStrings are created.
* - PyBytes_Type: PyStrings are created as-is.
* - PyBytes_Type: The bytestrings are returned as-is.
* - Any custom callable: Any object returned from the callable called with the bytestring
* as single parameter.
......@@ -267,11 +267,6 @@ PyObject* _pysqlite_build_column_name(const char* colname)
PyObject* pysqlite_unicode_from_string(const char* val_str, Py_ssize_t size, int optimize)
return PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(val_str, size);
* Returns a row from the currently active SQLite statement
......@@ -355,12 +350,8 @@ PyObject* _pysqlite_fetch_one_row(pysqlite_Cursor* self)
} else if (coltype == SQLITE_TEXT) {
val_str = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(self->statement->st, i);
nbytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(self->statement->st, i);
if ((self->connection->text_factory == (PyObject*)&PyUnicode_Type)
|| (self->connection->text_factory == pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode)) {
converted = pysqlite_unicode_from_string(val_str, nbytes,
self->connection->text_factory == pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode ? 1 : 0);
if (self->connection->text_factory == (PyObject*)&PyUnicode_Type) {
converted = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(val_str, nbytes);
if (!converted) {
colname = sqlite3_column_name(self->statement->st, i);
if (!colname) {
......@@ -459,7 +450,6 @@ PyObject* _pysqlite_query_execute(pysqlite_Cursor* self, int multiple, PyObject*
int statement_type;
PyObject* descriptor;
PyObject* second_argument = NULL;
int allow_8bit_chars;
if (!check_cursor(self)) {
goto error;
......@@ -468,10 +458,6 @@ PyObject* _pysqlite_query_execute(pysqlite_Cursor* self, int multiple, PyObject*
self->locked = 1;
self->reset = 0;
/* Make shooting yourself in the foot with not utf-8 decodable 8-bit-strings harder */
allow_8bit_chars = ((self->connection->text_factory != (PyObject*)&PyUnicode_Type) &&
(self->connection->text_factory != pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode));
self->next_row = NULL;
......@@ -630,7 +616,7 @@ PyObject* _pysqlite_query_execute(pysqlite_Cursor* self, int multiple, PyObject*
pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(self->statement, parameters, allow_8bit_chars);
pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(self->statement, parameters);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
goto error;
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
PyObject* pysqlite_Error, *pysqlite_Warning, *pysqlite_InterfaceError, *pysqlite_DatabaseError,
*pysqlite_InternalError, *pysqlite_OperationalError, *pysqlite_ProgrammingError,
*pysqlite_IntegrityError, *pysqlite_DataError, *pysqlite_NotSupportedError, *pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode;
*pysqlite_IntegrityError, *pysqlite_DataError, *pysqlite_NotSupportedError;
PyObject* converters;
int _enable_callback_tracebacks;
......@@ -407,13 +407,13 @@ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__sqlite3(void)
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NotSupportedError", pysqlite_NotSupportedError);
/* We just need "something" unique for pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode. It does not really
* need to be a string subclass. Just anything that can act as a special
* marker for us. So I pulled PyCell_Type out of my magic hat.
pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode = (PyObject*)&PyCell_Type;
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "OptimizedUnicode", pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode);
/* In Python 2.x, setting Connection.text_factory to
OptimizedUnicode caused Unicode objects to be returned for
non-ASCII data and bytestrings to be returned for ASCII data.
Now OptimizedUnicode is an alias for str, so it has no
effect. */
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "OptimizedUnicode", (PyObject*)&PyUnicode_Type);
/* Set integer constants */
for (i = 0; _int_constants[i].constant_name != 0; i++) {
......@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ extern PyObject* pysqlite_IntegrityError;
extern PyObject* pysqlite_DataError;
extern PyObject* pysqlite_NotSupportedError;
extern PyObject* pysqlite_OptimizedUnicode;
/* the functions time.time() and time.sleep() */
extern PyObject* time_time;
extern PyObject* time_sleep;
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ int pysqlite_statement_create(pysqlite_Statement* self, pysqlite_Connection* con
return rc;
int pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(pysqlite_Statement* self, int pos, PyObject* parameter, int allow_8bit_chars)
int pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(pysqlite_Statement* self, int pos, PyObject* parameter)
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
PY_LONG_LONG longlongval;
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ static int _need_adapt(PyObject* obj)
void pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* parameters, int allow_8bit_chars)
void pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* parameters)
PyObject* current_param;
PyObject* adapted;
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* para
rc = pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(self, i + 1, adapted, allow_8bit_chars);
rc = pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(self, i + 1, adapted);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ void pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* para
rc = pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(self, i, adapted, allow_8bit_chars);
rc = pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(self, i, adapted);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ extern PyTypeObject pysqlite_StatementType;
int pysqlite_statement_create(pysqlite_Statement* self, pysqlite_Connection* connection, PyObject* sql);
void pysqlite_statement_dealloc(pysqlite_Statement* self);
int pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(pysqlite_Statement* self, int pos, PyObject* parameter, int allow_8bit_chars);
void pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* parameters, int allow_8bit_chars);
int pysqlite_statement_bind_parameter(pysqlite_Statement* self, int pos, PyObject* parameter);
void pysqlite_statement_bind_parameters(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* parameters);
int pysqlite_statement_recompile(pysqlite_Statement* self, PyObject* parameters);
int pysqlite_statement_finalize(pysqlite_Statement* self);
......@@ -125,6 +125,18 @@ corresponding Unix manual entries for more information on calls.");
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined(MS_WINDOWS)
#elif defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H)
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# if defined(HAVE_TERMIOS_H)
# include <termios.h>
# endif
# if defined(TIOCGWINSZ)
# endif
#endif /* MS_WINDOWS */
/* Various compilers have only certain posix functions */
/* XXX Gosh I wish these were all moved into pyconfig.h */
#if defined(PYCC_VACPP) && defined(PYOS_OS2)
......@@ -10477,6 +10489,114 @@ posix_flistxattr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
#endif /* USE_XATTRS */
/* Terminal size querying */
static PyTypeObject TerminalSizeType;
"A tuple of (columns, lines) for holding terminal window size");
static PyStructSequence_Field TerminalSize_fields[] = {
{"columns", "width of the terminal window in characters"},
{"lines", "height of the terminal window in characters"},
static PyStructSequence_Desc TerminalSize_desc = {
"Return the size of the terminal window as (columns, lines).\n" \
"\n" \
"The optional argument fd (default standard output) specifies\n" \
"which file descriptor should be queried.\n" \
"\n" \
"If the file descriptor is not connected to a terminal, an OSError\n" \
"is thrown.\n" \
"\n" \
"This function will only be defined if an implementation is\n" \
"available for this system.\n" \
"\n" \
"shutil.get_terminal_size is the high-level function which should \n" \
"normally be used, os.get_terminal_size is the low-level implementation.");
static PyObject*
get_terminal_size(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
int columns, lines;
PyObject *termsize;
int fd = fileno(stdout);
/* Under some conditions stdout may not be connected and
* fileno(stdout) may point to an invalid file descriptor. For example
* GUI apps don't have valid standard streams by default.
* If this happens, and the optional fd argument is not present,
* the ioctl below will fail returning EBADF. This is what we want.
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i", &fd))
return NULL;
struct winsize w;
if (ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &w))
return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError);
columns = w.ws_col;
lines = w.ws_row;
DWORD nhandle;
HANDLE handle;
switch (fd) {
case 0: nhandle = STD_INPUT_HANDLE;
case 1: nhandle = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE;
case 2: nhandle = STD_ERROR_HANDLE;
return PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "bad file descriptor");
handle = GetStdHandle(nhandle);
if (handle == NULL)
return PyErr_Format(PyExc_OSError, "handle cannot be retrieved");
return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr(0);
if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &csbi))
return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr(0);
columns = csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1;
lines = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1;
termsize = PyStructSequence_New(&TerminalSizeType);
if (termsize == NULL)
return NULL;
PyStructSequence_SET_ITEM(termsize, 0, PyLong_FromLong(columns));
PyStructSequence_SET_ITEM(termsize, 1, PyLong_FromLong(lines));
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return NULL;
return termsize;
#endif /* defined(TERMSIZE_USE_CONIO) || defined(TERMSIZE_USE_IOCTL) */
static PyMethodDef posix_methods[] = {
{"access", posix_access, METH_VARARGS, posix_access__doc__},
......@@ -10944,6 +11064,9 @@ static PyMethodDef posix_methods[] = {
{"listxattr", posix_listxattr, METH_VARARGS, posix_listxattr__doc__},
{"llistxattr", posix_llistxattr, METH_VARARGS, posix_llistxattr__doc__},
{"flistxattr", posix_flistxattr, METH_VARARGS, posix_flistxattr__doc__},
{"get_terminal_size", get_terminal_size, METH_VARARGS, termsize__doc__},
{NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */
......@@ -11539,6 +11662,10 @@ INITFUNC(void)
PyStructSequence_InitType(&SchedParamType, &sched_param_desc);
SchedParamType.tp_new = sched_param_new;
/* initialize TerminalSize_info */
PyStructSequence_InitType(&TerminalSizeType, &TerminalSize_desc);
#if defined(HAVE_WAITID) && !defined(__APPLE__)
Py_INCREF((PyObject*) &WaitidResultType);
......@@ -11593,6 +11720,9 @@ INITFUNC(void)
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
PyModule_AddObject(m, "terminal_size", (PyObject*) &TerminalSizeType);
return m;
......@@ -6144,7 +6144,7 @@ ieeefp.h io.h langinfo.h libintl.h ncurses.h process.h pthread.h \
sched.h shadow.h signal.h stdint.h stropts.h termios.h \
unistd.h utime.h \
poll.h sys/devpoll.h sys/epoll.h sys/poll.h \
sys/audioio.h sys/xattr.h sys/bsdtty.h sys/event.h sys/file.h \
sys/audioio.h sys/xattr.h sys/bsdtty.h sys/event.h sys/file.h sys/ioctl.h \
sys/kern_control.h sys/loadavg.h sys/lock.h sys/mkdev.h sys/modem.h \
sys/param.h sys/select.h sys/sendfile.h sys/socket.h sys/statvfs.h \
sys/stat.h sys/syscall.h sys/sys_domain.h sys/termio.h sys/time.h \
......@@ -14599,8 +14599,8 @@ esac
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# Files that config.status was made for.
config_files="`echo $ac_config_files`"
config_headers="`echo $ac_config_headers`"
......@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ ieeefp.h io.h langinfo.h libintl.h ncurses.h process.h pthread.h \
sched.h shadow.h signal.h stdint.h stropts.h termios.h \
unistd.h utime.h \
poll.h sys/devpoll.h sys/epoll.h sys/poll.h \
sys/audioio.h sys/xattr.h sys/bsdtty.h sys/event.h sys/file.h \
sys/audioio.h sys/xattr.h sys/bsdtty.h sys/event.h sys/file.h sys/ioctl.h \
sys/kern_control.h sys/loadavg.h sys/lock.h sys/mkdev.h sys/modem.h \
sys/param.h sys/select.h sys/sendfile.h sys/socket.h sys/statvfs.h \
sys/stat.h sys/syscall.h sys/sys_domain.h sys/termio.h sys/time.h \
......@@ -908,6 +908,9 @@
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/file.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ioctl.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/kern_control.h> header file. */
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