Commit 2b04e1c8 authored by Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

Allow Unicode strings as message and module name.

parent 39a77601
......@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ def filterwarnings(action, message="", category=Warning, module="", lineno=0,
Use assertions to check that all arguments have the right type."""
assert action in ("error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module",
"once"), "invalid action: %s" % `action`
assert isinstance(message, str), "message must be a string"
assert isinstance(message, basestring), "message must be a string"
assert isinstance(category, types.ClassType), "category must be a class"
assert issubclass(category, Warning), "category must be a Warning subclass"
assert isinstance(module, str), "module must be a string"
assert isinstance(module, basestring), "module must be a string"
assert isinstance(lineno, int) and lineno >= 0, \
"lineno must be an int >= 0"
item = (action, re.compile(message, re.I), category,
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