Commit 2b330376 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Patch #1496206: urllib2 PasswordMgr ./. default ports

parent 0fd1291c
......@@ -76,10 +76,11 @@ def test_password_manager(self):
>>> mgr.find_user_password("c", "")
('bar', 'nini')
Currently, we use the highest-level path where more than one match:
Actually, this is really undefined ATM
## Currently, we use the highest-level path where more than one match:
>>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "")
('joe', 'password')
## >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "")
## ('joe', 'password')
Use latest add_password() in case of conflict:
......@@ -110,6 +111,53 @@ def test_password_manager(self):
def test_password_manager_default_port(self):
>>> mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr()
>>> add = mgr.add_password
The point to note here is that we can't guess the default port if there's
no scheme. This applies to both add_password and find_user_password.
>>> add("f", "", "10", "j")
>>> add("g", "", "11", "k")
>>> add("h", "", "12", "l")
>>> add("i", "", "13", "m")
>>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "")
(None, None)
>>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "")
('10', 'j')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "")
(None, None)
>>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "")
(None, None)
>>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "")
('10', 'j')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "")
('10', 'j')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("g", "")
('11', 'k')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("g", "")
('11', 'k')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("g", "")
('11', 'k')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("h", "")
(None, None)
>>> mgr.find_user_password("h", "")
('12', 'l')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("h", "")
('12', 'l')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "")
('13', 'm')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "")
(None, None)
>>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "")
('13', 'm')
>>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "")
(None, None)
class MockOpener:
addheaders = []
def open(self, req, data=None):
......@@ -695,32 +695,45 @@ class HTTPPasswordMgr:
# uri could be a single URI or a sequence
if isinstance(uri, basestring):
uri = [uri]
uri = tuple(map(self.reduce_uri, uri))
if not realm in self.passwd:
self.passwd[realm] = {}
self.passwd[realm][uri] = (user, passwd)
for default_port in True, False:
reduced_uri = tuple(
[self.reduce_uri(u, default_port) for u in uri])
self.passwd[realm][reduced_uri] = (user, passwd)
def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri):
domains = self.passwd.get(realm, {})
authuri = self.reduce_uri(authuri)
for uris, authinfo in domains.iteritems():
for uri in uris:
if self.is_suburi(uri, authuri):
return authinfo
for default_port in True, False:
reduced_authuri = self.reduce_uri(authuri, default_port)
for uris, authinfo in domains.iteritems():
for uri in uris:
if self.is_suburi(uri, reduced_authuri):
return authinfo
return None, None
def reduce_uri(self, uri):
"""Accept netloc or URI and extract only the netloc and path"""
def reduce_uri(self, uri, default_port=True):
"""Accept authority or URI and extract only the authority and path."""
# note HTTP URLs do not have a userinfo component
parts = urlparse.urlsplit(uri)
if parts[1]:
return parts[1], parts[2] or '/'
elif parts[0]:
# host:port
return uri, '/'
scheme = parts[0]
authority = parts[1]
path = parts[2] or '/'
# host
return parts[2], '/'
# host or host:port
scheme = None
authority = uri
path = '/'
host, port = splitport(authority)
if default_port and port is None and scheme is not None:
dport = {"http": 80,
"https": 443,
if dport is not None:
authority = "%s:%d" % (host, dport)
return authority, path
def is_suburi(self, base, test):
"""Check if test is below base in a URI tree
......@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ Extension Modules
- Patch #1496206: improve urllib2 handling of passwords with respect to
default HTTP and HTTPS ports.
- Patch #1080727: add "encoding" parameter to doctest.DocFileSuite.
- Patch #1281707: speed up gzip.readline.
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