Commit 2c178253 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

SF bug 874842 and patch 997626: httplib bugs

Hack httplib to work with broken Akamai proxies.
Make sure that httplib doesn't add extract Accept-Encoding or
Content-Length headers if the client has already set them.
parent dc54f2be
......@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ class HTTPResponse:
self.will_close = 1
def _check_close(self):
conn = self.msg.getheader('connection')
if self.version == 11:
# An HTTP/1.1 proxy is assumed to stay open unless
# explicitly closed.
......@@ -352,13 +353,18 @@ class HTTPResponse:
return True
return False
# An HTTP/1.0 response with a Connection header is probably
# the result of a confused proxy. Ignore it.
# Some HTTP/1.0 implementations have support for persistent
# connections, using rules different than HTTP/1.1.
# For older HTTP, Keep-Alive indiciates persistent connection.
if self.msg.getheader('keep-alive'):
return False
# At least Akamai returns a "Connection: Keep-Alive" header,
# which was supposed to be sent by the client.
if conn and "keep-alive" in conn.lower():
return False
# Proxy-Connection is a netscape hack.
pconn = self.msg.getheader('proxy-connection')
if pconn and "keep-alive" in pconn.lower():
......@@ -381,6 +387,8 @@ class HTTPResponse:
# called, meaning self.isclosed() is meaningful.
return self.fp is None
# XXX It would be nice to have readline and __iter__ for this, too.
def read(self, amt=None):
if self.fp is None:
return ''
......@@ -728,15 +736,17 @@ class HTTPConnection:
self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
def _send_request(self, method, url, body, headers):
# If headers already contains a host header, then define the
# optional skip_host argument to putrequest(). The check is
# harder because field names are case insensitive.
if 'host' in [k.lower() for k in headers]:
self.putrequest(method, url, skip_host=1)
self.putrequest(method, url)
# honour explicitly requested Host: and Accept-Encoding headers
header_names = dict.fromkeys([k.lower() for k in headers])
skips = {}
if 'host' in header_names:
skips['skip_host'] = 1
if 'accept-encoding' in header_names:
skips['skip_accept_encoding'] = 1
if body:
self.putrequest(method, url, **skips)
if body and ('content-length' not in header_names):
self.putheader('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
for hdr, value in headers.iteritems():
self.putheader(hdr, value)
......@@ -2,13 +2,18 @@ import httplib
import StringIO
import sys
from test.test_support import verify,verbose
from unittest import TestCase
from test import test_support
class FakeSocket:
def __init__(self, text, fileclass=StringIO.StringIO):
self.text = text
self.fileclass = fileclass
def sendall(self, data): = data
def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=None):
if mode != 'r' and mode != 'rb':
raise httplib.UnimplementedFileMode()
......@@ -32,6 +37,39 @@ class NoEOFStringIO(StringIO.StringIO):
raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
return data
class HeaderTests(TestCase):
def test_auto_headers(self):
# Some headers are added automatically, but should not be added by
# .request() if they are explicitly set.
import httplib
class HeaderCountingBuffer(list):
def __init__(self):
self.count = {}
def append(self, item):
kv = item.split(':')
if len(kv) > 1:
# item is a 'Key: Value' header string
lcKey = kv[0].lower()
self.count.setdefault(lcKey, 0)
self.count[lcKey] += 1
list.append(self, item)
for explicit_header in True, False:
for header in 'Content-length', 'Host', 'Accept-encoding':
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
conn.sock = FakeSocket('blahblahblah')
conn._buffer = HeaderCountingBuffer()
body = 'spamspamspam'
headers = {}
if explicit_header:
headers[header] = str(len(body))
conn.request('POST', '/', body, headers)
self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.count[header.lower()], 1)
# Collect output to a buffer so that we don't have to cope with line-ending
# issues across platforms. Specifically, the headers will have \r\n pairs
# and some platforms will strip them from the output file.
......@@ -110,4 +148,9 @@ def _test():
raise AssertionError, "Did not expect response from HEAD request"
def test_main(verbose=None):
tests = [HeaderTests,]
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