Commit 2cf13895 authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon


parents d64e3203 32fb0978
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#define CMD_SIZE 500
......@@ -61,6 +62,51 @@ int make_buildinfo2(const char *tmppath)
return 1;
const char DELIMS[] = { " \n" };
int get_mercurial_info(char * hgbranch, char * hgtag, char * hgrev, int size)
int result = 0;
char filename[CMD_SIZE];
char cmdline[CMD_SIZE];
strcpy_s(filename, CMD_SIZE, "tmpXXXXXX");
if (_mktemp_s(filename, CMD_SIZE) == 0) {
int rc;
strcpy_s(cmdline, CMD_SIZE, "hg id -bit > ");
strcat_s(cmdline, CMD_SIZE, filename);
rc = system(cmdline);
if (rc == 0) {
FILE * fp;
if (fopen_s(&fp, filename, "r") == 0) {
char * cp = fgets(cmdline, CMD_SIZE, fp);
if (cp) {
char * context = NULL;
char * tp = strtok_s(cp, DELIMS, &context);
if (tp) {
strcpy_s(hgrev, size, tp);
tp = strtok_s(NULL, DELIMS, &context);
if (tp) {
strcpy_s(hgbranch, size, tp);
tp = strtok_s(NULL, DELIMS, &context);
if (tp) {
strcpy_s(hgtag, size, tp);
result = 1;
return result;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
char command[CMD_SIZE] = "cl.exe -c -D_WIN32 -DUSE_DL_EXPORT -D_WINDOWS -DWIN32 -D_WINDLL ";
......@@ -109,8 +155,27 @@ int main(int argc, char*argv[])
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, tmppath);
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "getbuildinfo2.c\" -DSUBWCREV ");
} else
else {
char hgtag[CMD_SIZE];
char hgbranch[CMD_SIZE];
char hgrev[CMD_SIZE];
if (get_mercurial_info(hgbranch, hgtag, hgrev, CMD_SIZE)) {
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "-DHGBRANCH=\\\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, hgbranch);
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "\\\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, " -DHGTAG=\\\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, hgtag);
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "\\\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, " -DHGVERSION=\\\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, hgrev);
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "\\\" ");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "..\\Modules\\getbuildinfo.c");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, " -Fo\"");
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, tmppath);
strcat_s(command, CMD_SIZE, "getbuildinfo.o\" -I..\\Include -I..\\PC");
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