Commit 2d7fab1a authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Docstring consistency with the updated .tex files.

parent 1f84ff1d
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ class MIMEText(MIMENonMultipart):
_subtype is the MIME sub content type, defaulting to "plain".
_charset is the character set parameter added to the Content-Type:
_charset is the character set parameter added to the Content-Type
header. This defaults to "us-ascii". Note that as a side-effect, the
Content-Transfer-Encoding: header will also be set.
Content-Transfer-Encoding header will also be set.
The use of the _encoder is deprecated. The encoding of the payload,
and the setting of the character set parameter now happens implicitly
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class MIMEText(MIMENonMultipart):
warnings.warn('_encoder argument is obsolete.',
DeprecationWarning, 2)
# Because set_payload() with a _charset will set its own
# Content-Transfer-Encoding: header, we need to delete the
# Content-Transfer-Encoding header, we need to delete the
# existing one or will end up with two of them. :(
del self['content-transfer-encoding']
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