Commit 2d8b765c authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

New test for sorting sanity. Note that this will fail in earlier Pythons,

in the stability tests.

Bizarre:  this takes 11x longer to run if and only if test_longexp is
run before it, on my box.  The bigger REPS is in test_longexp, the
slower this gets.  What happens on your box?  It's not gc on my box
(which is good, because gc isn't a plausible candidate here).

The slowdown is massive in the parts of test_sort that implicitly
invoke a new-style class's __lt__ or __cmp__ methods.  If I boost
REPS large enough in test_longexp, even the test_sort tests on an array
of size 64 visibly c-r-a-w-l.  The relative slowdown is even worse in
a debug build.  And if I reduce REPS in test_longexp, the slowdown in
test_sort goes away.

test_longexp does do horrid things to Win98's management of user
address space, but I thought I had made that a whole lot better a month
or so ago (by overallocating aggressively in the parser).
parent a64dc245
from test.test_support import verbose
import random
nerrors = 0
def check(tag, expected, raw, compare=None):
global nerrors
if verbose:
print " checking", tag
orig = raw[:] # save input in case of error
if compare:
if len(expected) != len(raw):
print "error in", tag
print "length mismatch;", len(expected), len(raw)
print expected
print orig
print raw
nerrors += 1
for i, good in enumerate(expected):
maybe = raw[i]
if good is not maybe:
print "error in", tag
print "out of order at index", i, good, maybe
print expected
print orig
print raw
nerrors += 1
# Try a variety of sizes at and around powers of 2, and at powers of 10.
sizes = [0]
for power in range(1, 10):
n = 2 ** power
sizes.extend(range(n-1, n+2))
sizes.extend([10, 100, 1000])
class Complains(object):
maybe_complain = True
def __init__(self, i):
self.i = i
def __lt__(self, other):
if Complains.maybe_complain and random.random() < 0.001:
if verbose:
print " complaining at", self, other
raise RuntimeError
return self.i < other.i
def __repr__(self):
return "Complains(%d)" % self.i
class Stable(object):
maybe_complain = True
def __init__(self, key, i):
self.key = key
self.index = i
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.key, other.key)
def __repr__(self):
return "Stable(%d, %d)" % (self.key, self.index)
for n in sizes:
x = range(n)
if verbose:
print "Testing size", n
s = x[:]
check("identity", x, s)
s = x[:]
check("reversed", x, s)
s = x[:]
check("random permutation", x, s)
y = x[:]
s = x[:]
check("reversed via function", y, s, lambda a, b: cmp(b, a))
if verbose:
print " Checking against an insane comparison function."
print " If the implementation isn't careful, this may segfault."
s = x[:]
s.sort(lambda a, b: int(random.random() * 3) - 1)
check("an insane function left some permutation", x, s)
x = [Complains(i) for i in x]
s = x[:]
Complains.maybe_complain = True
it_complained = False
except RuntimeError:
it_complained = True
if it_complained:
Complains.maybe_complain = False
check("exception during sort left some permutation", x, s)
s = [Stable(random.randrange(10), i) for i in xrange(n)]
augmented = [(e, e.index) for e in s]
augmented.sort() # forced stable because ties broken by index
x = [e for e, i in augmented] # a stable sort of s
check("stability", x, s)
if nerrors:
print "Test failed", nerrors
elif verbose:
print "Test passed -- no errors."
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