Commit 2da95046 authored by Ethan Furman's avatar Ethan Furman

Close issue20653: improve functional API docs; minor code changes

parent adb2e2ab
......@@ -374,6 +374,9 @@ from that module.
With pickle protocol version 4 it is possible to easily pickle enums
nested in other classes.
It is possible to modify how Enum members are pickled/unpickled by defining
:meth:`__reduce_ex__` in the enumeration class.
Functional API
......@@ -420,6 +423,12 @@ The solution is to specify the module name explicitly as follows::
>>> Animals = Enum('Animals', 'ant bee cat dog', module=__name__)
.. warning::
If :param module: is not supplied, and Enum cannot determine what it is,
the new Enum members will not be unpicklable; to keep errors closer to
the source, pickling will be disabled.
The new pickle protocol 4 also, in some circumstances, relies on
:attr:`__qualname__` being set to the location where pickle will be able
to find the class. For example, if the class was made available in class
......@@ -427,6 +436,31 @@ SomeData in the global scope::
>>> Animals = Enum('Animals', 'ant bee cat dog', qualname='SomeData.Animals')
The complete signature is::
Enum(value='NewEnumName', names=<...>, *, module='...', qualname='...', type=<mixed-in class>)
:param value: What the new Enum class will record as its name.
:param names: The Enum members. This can be a whitespace or comma seperated
'red green blue', 'red,green,blue', 'red, green, blue'
(values will start at 1), or an iterator of name, value pairs::
[('cyan', 4), ('magenta', 5), ('yellow', 6)]
or a mapping::
{'chartruese': 7, 'sea_green': 11, 'rosemary': 42}
:param module: name of module where new Enum class can be found.
:param qualname: where in module new Enum class can be found.
:param type: type to mix in to new Enum class.
Derived Enumerations
......@@ -115,14 +115,21 @@ class EnumMeta(type):
# Reverse value->name map for hashable values.
enum_class._value2member_map_ = {}
# check for a supported pickle protocols, and if not present sabotage
# pickling, since it won't work anyway.
# if new class implements its own __reduce_ex__, do not sabotage
if classdict.get('__reduce_ex__') is None:
# If a custom type is mixed into the Enum, and it does not know how
# to pickle itself, pickle.dumps will succeed but pickle.loads will
# fail. Rather than have the error show up later and possibly far
# from the source, sabotage the pickle protocol for this class so
# that pickle.dumps also fails.
# However, if the new class implements its own __reduce_ex__, do not
# sabotage -- it's on them to make sure it works correctly. We use
# __reduce_ex__ instead of any of the others as it is preferred by
# pickle over __reduce__, and it handles all pickle protocols.
if '__reduce_ex__' not in classdict:
if member_type is not object:
methods = ('__getnewargs_ex__', '__getnewargs__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__reduce__')
if not any(map(member_type.__dict__.get, methods)):
if not any(m in member_type.__dict__ for m in methods):
# instantiate them, checking for duplicates as we go
......@@ -193,14 +200,22 @@ class EnumMeta(type):
to an enumeration member (i.e. Color(3)) and for the functional API
(i.e. Color = Enum('Color', names='red green blue')).
When used for the functional API: `module`, if set, will be stored in
the new class' __module__ attribute; `qualname`, if set, will be stored
in the new class' __qualname__ attribute; `type`, if set, will be mixed
in as the first base class.
When used for the functional API:
Note: if `module` is not set this routine will attempt to discover the
calling module by walking the frame stack; if this is unsuccessful
the resulting class will not be pickleable.
`value` will be the name of the new class.
`names` should be either a string of white-space/comma delimited names
(values will start at 1), or an iterator/mapping of name, value pairs.
`module` should be set to the module this class is being created in;
if it is not set, an attempt to find that module will be made, but if
it fails the class will not be picklable.
`qualname` should be set to the actual location this class can be found
at in its module; by default it is set to the global scope. If this is
not correct, unpickling will fail in some circumstances.
`type`, if set, will be mixed in as the first base class.
if names is None: # simple value lookup
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