Commit 2dda8945 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Typos in the docstring fixed by Detlef Lannert

parent 07ddcc7f
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ the `-r' flag (see below).
For example:
% world tz us
%% world tz us
tz originated from Tanzania, United Republic of
us originated from United States
% world united
%% world united
united matches 5 countries:
ae: United Arab Emirates
um: United States Minor Outlying Islands
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Usage: %s [-d] [-p|-P file] [-h] addr [addr ...]
--parse file
-p file
Parse an iso3166-countrycodes file extracting the two letter country
code followed by the country name. Note that the three leter country
code followed by the country name. Note that the three letter country
code and number, which are also provided in the standard format file,
are ignored.
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