Commit 30d6c046 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Some semantic fixes.

parent 6ec04ffc
......@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ Python. In the abstract syntax tree, each node represents a syntactic
construct. The root of the tree is \class{Module} object.
The abstract syntax offers a higher level interface to parsed Python
source code. The \ulink{\module{parser}}
source code. The \refmodule{parser}
module and the compiler written in C for the Python interpreter use a
concrete syntax tree. The concrete syntax is tied closely to the
grammar description used for the Python parser. Instead of a single
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Here are the differences between \module{email} version 2 and version 1:
The \module{email} package was originally prototyped as a separate
library called
Changes have been made so that
method names are more consistent, and some methods or modules have
either been added or removed. The semantics of some of the methods
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ This module offers the following functions:
An application should only call \function{FlushKey()} if it requires absolute
certainty that registry changes are on disk.
\emph{If you don't know whether a \function{FlushKey()} call is required, it
\note{If you don't know whether a \function{FlushKey()} call is required, it
probably isn't.}
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