Commit 31cc3156 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Added tests that conversion to our own timezone is always an identity,

and that conversion to "timezone" None is the same as stripping the
tzinfo member.
parent ba97659f
......@@ -2592,6 +2592,13 @@ class TestTimezoneConversions(unittest.TestCase):
for during in dston, dston + delta, dstoff - delta:
self.assertEqual(during.dst(), HOUR)
# Conversion to our own timezone is always an identity.
self.assertEqual(during.astimezone(tz), during)
# Conversion to None is always the same as stripping tzinfo.
asutc = during.astimezone(utc)
there_and_back = asutc.astimezone(tz)
......@@ -2649,6 +2656,12 @@ class TestTimezoneConversions(unittest.TestCase):
there_and_back = outside.astimezone(utc).astimezone(tz)
self.assertEqual(outside, there_and_back)
# Conversion to our own timezone is always an identity.
self.assertEqual(outside.astimezone(tz), outside)
# Conversion to None is always the same as stripping tzinfo.
def test_easy(self):
# Despite the name of this test, the endcases are excruciating.
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Eastern, utc_real)
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