Commit 32850c89 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Very sketchy preliminary docs on new applescripting functionality.

parent 38b29e79
......@@ -31,21 +31,30 @@ will tell Eudora to send queued mail, retrieve mail or quit. <p>
There is a tool in the standard distribution that looks through a file
for an 'AETE' or 'AEUT' resource, the internal representation of the
AppleScript dictionary. This tool is called
<CODE></CODE>, and lives in
<CODE>Mac:scripts</CODE>. When we start it, it asks us for an input
file and we point it to the Eudora Light executable. It starts parsing
the AETE resource, and for each AppleEvent suite it finds it prompts
us for the filename of the resulting python module. Remember to change
folders for the first module, you don't want to clutter up the Eudora
folder with your python interfaces. If you want to skip a suite you
press cancel and the process continues with the next suite. In the
case of Eudora, you do <EM>not</EM> want to generate the Required
suite, because it will be empty. AppleScript understands that an empty
suite means "incorporate the whole standard suite by this name",
<CODE></CODE>, and lives in <CODE>Mac:scripts</CODE>.
When we start it, it asks us for an input file and we point it to the
Eudora Light executable. It starts parsing the AETE resource, and for
each AppleEvent suite it finds it prompts us for the filename of the
resulting python module. Remember to change folders for the first
module, you don't want to clutter up the Eudora folder with your python
interfaces. If you want to skip a suite you press cancel and the process
continues with the next suite. In the case of Eudora, you do
<EM>not</EM> want to generate the Required and Standard suites, because
they are identical to the standard ones which are pregenerated (and
empty in the eudora binary). AppleScript understands that an empty suite
means "incorporate the whole standard suite by this name",
gensuitemodule does not currently understand this. Creating the empty
<CODE></CODE> would hide the correct module of that
name from our application. <p>
Gensuitemodule may ask you questions like "Where is enum 'xyz ' declared?".
For the first time, cancel out of this dialog after taking down the
enum (or class or prop) name. After you've created all the suites look
for these codes, in the suites generated here and in the standard suites.
If you've found them all run gensuitemodule again and point it to the right
file for each declaration. Gensuitemodule will generate the imports to make the
reference work. <p>
Time for a sidebar. If you want to re-create
<CODE></CODE> or one of the other standard modules
......@@ -61,19 +70,9 @@ Let's glance at the <A
HREF="scripting/"></A> just created. You
may want to open Script Editor alongside, and have a look at how it
interprets the dictionary. starts with some
boilerplate, then come some dictionaries implementing the OSA
Enumerations, then a big class definition with methods for each
AppleScript Verb and finally some comments. The Enumerations we will
skip, it suffices to know that whenever you have to pass an enumerator
to a method you can pass the english name and don't have to bother
with the 4-letter type code. So, you can say
instead of the rather more cryptic
boilerplate, then a big class definition with methods for each
AppleScript Verb, then some small class definitions and then some dictionary
initializations. <p>
The <CODE>Eudora_Suite</CODE> class is the bulk of the code
generated. For each verb it contains a method. Each method knows what
......@@ -90,16 +89,38 @@ The other thing you notice is that each method calls
to provide it by subclassing or multiple inheritance, as we shall see
later. <p>
The module ends with some comments. Sadly, gensuitemodule is not yet
able to turn the Object Specifiers into reasonable Python code. For
now, if you need object specifiers, you will have to use the routines
defined in <CODE></CODE> (and <CODE></CODE>, which
it incorporates). You use these in the form <CODE>aetools.Word(10,
After the big class we get a number of little class declarations. These
declarations are for the (appleevent) classes and properties in the suite.
They allow you to create object IDs, which can then be passed to the verbs.
For instance, to get the name of the sender of the first message in mailbox
inbox you would use <code>mailbox("inbox").message(1).sender</code>. It is
also possible to specify this as <code>sender(message(1, mailbox("inbox")))</code>,
which is sometimes needed because these classes don't inherit correctly
from baseclasses, so you may have to use a class or property from another suite. <p>
There are also some older object specifiers for standard objects in aetools.
You use these in the form <CODE>aetools.Word(10,
aetools.Document(1))</CODE> where the corresponding AppleScript
terminology would be <CODE>word 10 of the first
document</CODE>. Examine the two modules mentioned above along with
the comments at the end of your suite module if you need to create
more than the standard object specifiers. <p>
more than the standard object specifiers.
Next we get the enumeration dictionaries, which allow you to pass
english names as arguments to verbs, so you don't have to bother with the 4-letter
type code. So, you can say
instead of the rather more cryptic
Finally, we get the "table of contents" of the module, listing all classes and such
by code, which is used by gensuitemodule. <p>
<H2>Using a Python suite module</H2>
......@@ -119,8 +140,8 @@ all, the heart of our program looks like this:
import Eudora_Suite, Required_Suite, aetools
class Eudora(aetools.TalkTo, Required_Suite.Required_Suite, \
class Eudora(Eudora_Suite.Eudora_Suite, Required_Suite.Required_Suite, \
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