Commit 339cb38c authored by Armin Rigo's avatar Armin Rigo

Document the crashers that will not go away soon as "won't fix",

and explain why.
parent d43eb608
Broken bytecode objects can easily crash the interpreter.
This is not going to be fixed. It is generally agreed that there is no
point in writing a bytecode verifier and putting it in CPython just for
this. Moreover, a verifier is bound to accept only a subset of all safe
bytecodes, so it could lead to unnecessary breakage.
For security purposes, "restricted" interpreters are not going to let
the user build or load random bytecodes anyway. Otherwise, this is a
"won't fix" case.
import types
#!/usr/bin/env python
# No bug report AFAIK, mail on python-dev on 2006-01-10
# This is a "won't fix" case. It is known that setting a high enough
# recursion limit crashes by overflowing the stack. Unless this is
# redesigned somehow, it won't go away.
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(1 << 30)
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