Commit 34250114 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Added an index entry.

parent 50cdd97e
\section{\module{xmllib} ---
A parser for XML documents.}
A parser for XML documents}
\modulesynopsis{A parser for XML documents.}
\moduleauthor{Sjoerd Mullender}{}
\sectionauthor{Sjoerd Mullender}{}
\modulesynopsis{A parser for XML documents.}
\index{Extensible Markup Language}
......@@ -225,10 +226,12 @@ intended to be overridden by a derived class; the base class
implementation does nothing.
\subsection{XML Namespaces}
\subsection{XML Namespaces \label{xml-namespace}}
This module has support for XML namespaces as defined in the XML
Namespaces proposed recommendation.
Tag and attribute names that are defined in an XML namespace are
handled as if the name of the tag or element consisted of the
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