Commit 3457693d authored by Eli Bendersky's avatar Eli Bendersky

Update Misc/NEWS for issue #16076

parent 7a47d6cd
......@@ -345,10 +345,15 @@ Library
- Issue #16169: Fix ctypes.WinError()'s confusion between errno and winerror.
- Issue #16076: Made _elementtree.Element pickleable in a way that is compatible
with the Python Element. Pickling/unpickling of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
works again - this was a temporary regression from 3.2 where the by-default
imported _elementtree had no pickling capability.
- Issue #16089: Allow ElementTree.TreeBuilder to work again with a non-Element
element_factory (fixes a regression in SimpleTAL).
- Issue #16913: Fix Element.itertext()'s handling of text with XML entities.
- Issue #16913: Fix Element.itertext()'s handling of text with XML entities.,
- Issue #16034: Fix performance regressions in the new `bz2.BZ2File`
implementation. Initial patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
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