Commit 35ea5b5d authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

remove tests from really old regex module

parent c9ddca56
# Regex test suite and benchmark suite v1.5a2
# The 3 possible outcomes for each pattern
# Benchmark suite (needs expansion)
# The benchmark suite does not test correctness, just speed. The
# first element of each tuple is the regex pattern; the second is a
# string to match it against. The benchmarking code will embed the
# second string inside several sizes of padding, to test how regex
# matching performs on large strings.
benchmarks = [
('Python', 'Python'), # Simple text literal
('.*Python', 'Python'), # Bad text literal
('.*Python.*', 'Python'), # Worse text literal
('.*\\(Python\\)', 'Python'), # Bad text literal with grouping
('(Python\\|Perl\\|Tcl', 'Perl'), # Alternation
('\\(Python\\|Perl\\|Tcl\\)', 'Perl'), # Grouped alternation
('\\(Python\\)\\1', 'PythonPython'), # Backreference
# ('\\([0a-z][a-z]*,\\)+', 'a5,b7,c9,'), # Disable the fastmap optimization
('\\([a-z][a-z0-9]*,\\)+', 'a5,b7,c9,') # A few sets
# Test suite (for verifying correctness)
# The test suite is a list of 5- or 3-tuples. The 5 parts of a
# complete tuple are:
# element 0: a string containing the pattern
# 1: the string to match against the pattern
# 2: the expected result (SUCCEED, FAIL, SYNTAX_ERROR)
# 3: a string that will be eval()'ed to produce a test string.
# This is an arbitrary Python expression; the available
# variables are "found" (the whole match), and "g1", "g2", ...
# up to "g10" contain the contents of each group, or the
# string 'None' if the group wasn't given a value.
# 4: The expected result of evaluating the expression.
# If the two don't match, an error is reported.
# If the regex isn't expected to work, the latter two elements can be omitted.
tests = [
('abc', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('abc', 'xbc', FAIL),
('abc', 'axc', FAIL),
('abc', 'abx', FAIL),
('abc', 'xabcy', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('abc', 'ababc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('ab*c', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('ab*bc', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('ab*bc', 'abbc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abbc'),
('ab*bc', 'abbbbc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abbbbc'),
('ab+bc', 'abbc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abbc'),
('ab+bc', 'abc', FAIL),
('ab+bc', 'abq', FAIL),
('ab+bc', 'abbbbc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abbbbc'),
('ab?bc', 'abbc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abbc'),
('ab?bc', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('ab?bc', 'abbbbc', FAIL),
('ab?c', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('^abc$', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('^abc$', 'abcc', FAIL),
('^abc', 'abcc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('^abc$', 'aabc', FAIL),
('abc$', 'aabc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('^', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"', '-'),
('$', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"', '-'),
('a.c', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('a.c', 'axc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'axc'),
('a.*c', 'axyzc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'axyzc'),
('a.*c', 'axyzd', FAIL),
('a[bc]d', 'abc', FAIL),
('a[bc]d', 'abd', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abd'),
('a[b-d]e', 'abd', FAIL),
('a[b-d]e', 'ace', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ace'),
('a[b-d]', 'aac', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ac'),
('a[-b]', 'a-', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a-'),
('a[b-]', 'a-', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a-'),
('a[]b', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('a[', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('a\\', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('abc\\)', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('\\(abc', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('a]', 'a]', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a]'),
('a[]]b', 'a]b', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a]b'),
('a[^bc]d', 'aed', SUCCEED,
'found', 'aed'),
('a[^bc]d', 'abd', FAIL),
('a[^-b]c', 'adc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'adc'),
('a[^-b]c', 'a-c', FAIL),
('a[^]b]c', 'a]c', FAIL),
('a[^]b]c', 'adc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'adc'),
('\\ba\\b', 'a-', SUCCEED,
'"-"', '-'),
('\\ba\\b', '-a', SUCCEED,
'"-"', '-'),
('\\ba\\b', '-a-', SUCCEED,
'"-"', '-'),
('\\by\\b', 'xy', FAIL),
('\\by\\b', 'yz', FAIL),
('\\by\\b', 'xyz', FAIL),
('ab\\|cd', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ab'),
('ab\\|cd', 'abcd', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ab'),
('\\(\\)ef', 'def', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-'),
('$b', 'b', FAIL),
('a(b', 'a(b', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'a(b-None'),
('a(*b', 'ab', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ab'),
('a(*b', 'a((b', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a((b'),
('a\\\\b', 'a\\b', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a\\b'),
('\\(\\(a\\)\\)', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'a-a-a'),
('\\(a\\)b\\(c\\)', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abc-a-c'),
('a+b+c', 'aabbabc', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abc'),
('\\(a+\\|b\\)*', 'ab', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'ab-b'),
('\\(a+\\|b\\)+', 'ab', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'ab-b'),
('\\(a+\\|b\\)?', 'ab', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'a-a'),
('\\)\\(', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('[^ab]*', 'cde', SUCCEED,
'found', 'cde'),
('abc', '', FAIL),
('a*', '', SUCCEED,
'found', ''),
('a\\|b\\|c\\|d\\|e', 'e', SUCCEED,
'found', 'e'),
('\\(a\\|b\\|c\\|d\\|e\\)f', 'ef', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-e'),
('abcd*efg', 'abcdefg', SUCCEED,
'found', 'abcdefg'),
('ab*', 'xabyabbbz', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ab'),
('ab*', 'xayabbbz', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a'),
('\\(ab\\|cd\\)e', 'abcde', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'cde-cd'),
('[abhgefdc]ij', 'hij', SUCCEED,
'found', 'hij'),
('^\\(ab\\|cd\\)e', 'abcde', FAIL,
'xg1y', 'xy'),
('\\(abc\\|\\)ef', 'abcdef', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-'),
('\\(a\\|b\\)c*d', 'abcd', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'bcd-b'),
('\\(ab\\|ab*\\)bc', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-a'),
('a\\([bc]*\\)c*', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-bc'),
('a\\([bc]*\\)\\(c*d\\)', 'abcd', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-bc-d'),
('a\\([bc]+\\)\\(c*d\\)', 'abcd', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-bc-d'),
('a\\([bc]*\\)\\(c+d\\)', 'abcd', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-b-cd'),
('a[bcd]*dcdcde', 'adcdcde', SUCCEED,
'found', 'adcdcde'),
('a[bcd]+dcdcde', 'adcdcde', FAIL),
('\\(ab\\|a\\)b*c', 'abc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-ab'),
('\\(\\(a\\)\\(b\\)c\\)\\(d\\)', 'abcd', SUCCEED,
'g1+"-"+g2+"-"+g3+"-"+g4', 'abc-a-b-d'),
('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', 'alpha', SUCCEED,
'found', 'alpha'),
('^a\\(bc+\\|b[eh]\\)g\\|.h$', 'abh', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'bh-None'),
('\\(bc+d$\\|ef*g.\\|h?i\\(j\\|k\\)\\)', 'effgz', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'effgz-effgz-None'),
('\\(bc+d$\\|ef*g.\\|h?i\\(j\\|k\\)\\)', 'ij', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'ij-ij-j'),
('\\(bc+d$\\|ef*g.\\|h?i\\(j\\|k\\)\\)', 'effg', FAIL),
('\\(bc+d$\\|ef*g.\\|h?i\\(j\\|k\\)\\)', 'bcdd', FAIL),
('\\(bc+d$\\|ef*g.\\|h?i\\(j\\|k\\)\\)', 'reffgz', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'effgz-effgz-None'),
('\\(\\(\\(\\(\\(\\(\\(\\(\\(a\\)\\)\\)\\)\\)\\)\\)\\)\\)', 'a', SUCCEED,
'found', 'a'),
('multiple words of text', 'uh-uh', FAIL),
('multiple words', 'multiple words, yeah', SUCCEED,
'found', 'multiple words'),
('\\(.*\\)c\\(.*\\)', 'abcde', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcde-ab-de'),
('(\\(.*\\), \\(.*\\))', '(a, b)', SUCCEED,
'g2+"-"+g1', 'b-a'),
('[k]', 'ab', FAIL),
('a[-]?c', 'ac', SUCCEED,
'found', 'ac'),
('\\(abc\\)\\1', 'abcabc', SUCCEED,
'g1', 'abc'),
('\\([a-c]*\\)\\1', 'abcabc', SUCCEED,
'g1', 'abc'),
('^\\(.+\\)?B', 'AB', SUCCEED,
'g1', 'A'),
('\\(a+\\).\\1$', 'aaaaa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aaaaa-aa'),
('^\\(a+\\).\\1$', 'aaaa', FAIL),
('\\(abc\\)\\1', 'abcabc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc'),
('\\([a-c]+\\)\\1', 'abcabc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc'),
('\\(a\\)\\1', 'aa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a'),
('\\(a+\\)\\1', 'aa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a'),
('\\(a+\\)+\\1', 'aa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a'),
('\\(a\\).+\\1', 'aba', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aba-a'),
('\\(a\\)ba*\\1', 'aba', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aba-a'),
('\\(aa\\|a\\)a\\1$', 'aaa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a'),
('\\(a\\|aa\\)a\\1$', 'aaa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a'),
('\\(a+\\)a\\1$', 'aaa', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a'),
('\\([abc]*\\)\\1', 'abcabc', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc'),
('\\(a\\)\\(b\\)c\\|ab', 'ab', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'ab-None-None'),
('\\(a\\)+x', 'aaax', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aaax-a'),
('\\([ac]\\)+x', 'aacx', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aacx-c'),
('\\([^/]*/\\)*sub1/', 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/trial/away.cpp', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/-tdir/'),
('\\([^.]*\\)\\.\\([^:]*\\):[T ]+\\(.*\\)', 'track1.title:TBlah blah blah', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2+"-"+g3', 'track1.title:TBlah blah blah-track1-title-Blah blah blah'),
('\\([^N]*N\\)+', 'abNNxyzN', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abNNxyzN-xyzN'),
('\\([^N]*N\\)+', 'abNNxyz', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abNN-N'),
('\\([abc]*\\)x', 'abcx', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'abcx-abc'),
('\\([abc]*\\)x', 'abc', FAIL),
('\\([xyz]*\\)x', 'abcx', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'x-'),
('\\(a\\)+b\\|aac', 'aac', SUCCEED,
'found+"-"+g1', 'aac-None'),
('\<a', 'a', SUCCEED, 'found', 'a'),
('\<a', '!', FAIL),
('a\<b', 'ab', FAIL),
('a\>', 'ab', FAIL),
('a\>', 'a!', SUCCEED, 'found', 'a'),
('a\>', 'a', SUCCEED, 'found', 'a'),
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