Commit 36ae53d3 authored by Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes

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Merged revisions 61038,61042-61045,61047,61050,61053,61055-61056,61061-61062,61066,61068,61070,61083,61085,61092-61097,61103-61104,61109-61111 via svnmerge from

  r61109 | martin.v.loewis | 2008-02-28 20:57:34 +0100 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) | 1 line

  Bundle msvcr90.dll as a "private assembly".
parent 7dbc14a8
......@@ -845,21 +845,19 @@ def extract_msvcr90():
prod_dir = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "ProductDir")[0]
# Copy msvcr90*
dir = os.path.join(prod_dir, r'VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT')
files = glob.glob1(dir, "*CRT*.dll") + glob.glob1(dir, "*VCR*.dll")
for file in files:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(dir, file), '.')
dir = os.path.join(prod_dir, r'VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT')
files = glob.glob1(dir, "*CRT*.dll") + glob.glob1(dir, "*VCR*.dll")
for file in files:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(dir, file), '.')
# Find the version/language of msvcr90.dll
result = []
installer = msilib.MakeInstaller()
return installer.FileVersion("msvcr90.dll", 0), \
installer.FileVersion("msvcr90.dll", 1)
dir = os.path.join(prod_dir, r'VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT')
# omit msvcm90 and msvcp90, as they aren't really needed
files = ["Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest", "msvcr90.dll"]
for f in files:
path = os.path.join(dir, f)
kw = {'src':path}
if f.endswith('.dll'):
kw['version'] = installer.FileVersion(path, 0)
kw['language'] = installer.FileVersion(path, 1)
result.append((f, kw))
return result
class PyDirectory(Directory):
"""By default, all components in the Python installer
......@@ -888,7 +886,10 @@ def add_files(db):
root.add_file("%s/pythonw.exe" % PCBUILD)
# msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount = 8, see "Component Table"
dlldir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir, "DLLDIR", ".")
#dlldir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir, "DLLDIR", ".")
#install python30.dll into root dir for now
dlldir = root
pydll = "python%s%s.dll" % (major, minor)
pydllsrc = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, pydll)
dlldir.start_component("DLLDIR", flags = 8, keyfile = pydll, uuid = pythondll_uuid)
......@@ -901,17 +902,14 @@ def add_files(db):
dlldir.add_file("%s/python%s%s.dll" % (PCBUILD, major, minor),
language=installer.FileVersion(pydllsrc, 1))
DLLs = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir + "/" + PCBUILD, "DLLs", "DLLS|DLLs")
# XXX determine dependencies
if MSVCR == "90":
# XXX don't package the CRT for the moment;
# this should probably use the merge module in the long run.
#version, lang = extract_msvcr90()
#dlldir.start_component("msvcr90", flags=8, keyfile="msvcr90.dll",
# uuid=msvcr90_uuid)
#dlldir.add_file("msvcr90.dll", src=os.path.abspath("msvcr90.dll"),
# version=version, language=lang)
for file, kw in extract_msvcr90():
root.add_file(file, **kw)
if file.endswith("manifest"):
DLLs.add_file(file, **kw)
version, lang = extract_msvcr71()
dlldir.start_component("msvcr71", flags=8, keyfile="msvcr71.dll",
......@@ -1012,7 +1010,7 @@ def add_files(db):
pydirs.append((lib, f))
# Add DLLs
lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir + "/" + PCBUILD, "DLLs", "DLLS|DLLs")
lib = DLLs
lib.add_file("py.ico", src=srcdir+"/PC/py.ico")
lib.add_file("pyc.ico", src=srcdir+"/PC/pyc.ico")
dlls = []
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