Commit 38ca8ace authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

getlonglongargs --> getlonglongarg

Fixed type error in argument of newopenfileobject.
parent eb8390e0
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ posix_utime(self, args)
return NULL;
if (!getstrarg(gettupleitem(args, 0), &path) ||
!getlonglongargs(gettupleitem(args, 1), &ATIME, &MTIME))
!getlonglongarg(gettupleitem(args, 1), &ATIME, &MTIME))
return NULL;
if (utime(getstringvalue(path), UTIME_ARG) < 0)
return posix_error();
......@@ -574,7 +574,8 @@ posix_popen(self, args)
/* From now on, ignore SIGPIPE and let the error checking
do the work. */
(void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
return newopenfileobject(fp, name, mode, pclose);
return newopenfileobject(fp, getstringvalue(name),
getstringvalue(mode), pclose);
static object *
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