Commit 3aa84a7f authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

warn about some members of the commands module

parent b17ad2de
......@@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ The :mod:`commands` module defines the following functions:
.. deprecated:: 2.6
This function is nonobvious and useless, also the name is misleading in the
presence of :func:`getstatusoutput`.
presence of :func:`getstatusoutput`. It is removed in 3.x.
.. warning::
Two undocumented functions in this module, :func:`mk2arg` and :func:`mkargs`
are removed in 3.x.
......@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ def getstatusoutput(cmd):
# Make command argument from directory and pathname (prefix space, add quotes).
def mk2arg(head, x):
from warnings import warnpy3k
warnpy3k("In 3.x, mk2arg is removed.")
import os
return mkarg(os.path.join(head, x))
......@@ -75,6 +77,8 @@ def mk2arg(head, x):
# with backslash.
def mkarg(x):
from warnings import warnpy3k
warnpy3k("in 3.x, mkarg is remove.")
if '\'' not in x:
return ' \'' + x + '\''
s = ' "'
......@@ -212,6 +212,15 @@ class TestStdlibRemovals(unittest.TestCase):
mod.walk(".", dumbo, None)
self.assertEquals(str(w.message), msg)
def test_commands_members(self):
import commands
members = {"mk2arg" : 2, "mkarg" : 1, "getstatus" : 1}
for name, arg_count in members.items():
with catch_warning(record=False):
func = getattr(commands, name)
self.assertRaises(DeprecationWarning, func, *([None]*arg_count))
def test_main():
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