Commit 3b23c9c5 authored by R. David Murray's avatar R. David Murray

Remove spurious 'u'.

parent 636b23a9
......@@ -229,13 +229,14 @@ The output for the example would look similar to this::
*** extract_tb:
[('<doctest...>', 10, '<module>', 'lumberjack()'),
('<doctest...>', 4, 'lumberjack', 'bright_side_of_death()'),
(u'<doctest...>', 7, 'bright_side_of_death', 'return tuple()[0]')]
('<doctest...>', 7, 'bright_side_of_death', 'return tuple()[0]')]
*** format_tb:
[' File "<doctest...>", line 10, in <module>\n lumberjack()\n',
' File "<doctest...>", line 4, in lumberjack\n bright_side_of_death()\n',
' File "<doctest...>", line 7, in bright_side_of_death\n return tuple()[0]\n']
*** tb_lineno: 10
The following example shows the different ways to print and format the stack::
>>> import traceback
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