Commit 3bd8c227 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

The official name of the whole thing is now "Python FAQ Wizard";

and it's in beta testing now.

Renamed the cookie id to Python-FAQ-Wizard and fixed some bugs
related to cookie processing.
parent 1cfdcd2e
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class FAQServer:
return value
def do_frontpage(self):
self.prologue("Python FAQ (beta test) Front Page")
self.prologue("Python FAQ Wizard (beta test)")
print """
<LI><A HREF="">FAQ index</A>
......@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ class FAQServer:
print "<PRE>%s</PRE>" % cgi.escape(output)
def set_cookie(self, author, email, password):
name = "Python-FAQ-ID"
name = "Python-FAQ-Wizard"
value = "%s/%s/%s" % (author, email, password)
import urllib
value = urllib.quote(value)
......@@ -587,18 +587,19 @@ class FAQServer:
def get_cookie(self):
if not os.environ.has_key('HTTP_COOKIE'):
return "", ""
return "", "", ""
raw = os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE']
words = string.split(raw, ';')
words = map(string.strip, string.split(raw, ';'))
cookies = {}
for word in words:
i = string.find(word, '=')
if i >= 0:
key, value = word[:i], word[i+1:]
cookies[key] = value
if not cookies.has_key('Python-FAQ-ID'):
print "\n<PRE>Cookies:", cookies, "</PRE>"
if not cookies.has_key('Python-FAQ-Wizard'):
return "", "", ""
value = cookies['Python-FAQ-ID']
value = cookies['Python-FAQ-Wizard']
import urllib
value = urllib.unquote(value)
words = string.split(value, '/')
......@@ -613,7 +614,7 @@ class FAQServer:
author =
email =
password = self.password
if not author or not email:
if not author or not email or not password:
a, e, p = self.get_cookie()
author = author or a
email = email or e
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