Commit 3c212163 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger

Improve accuracy of gamma test function

parent f032a002
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import random
import time
import pickle
import warnings
from math import log, exp, sqrt, pi
from math import log, exp, sqrt, pi, sum as msum
from test import test_support
class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -465,11 +465,9 @@ _gammacoeff = (0.9999999999995183, 676.5203681218835, -1259.139216722289,
def gamma(z, cof=_gammacoeff, g=7):
z -= 1.0
sum = cof[0]
for i in xrange(1,len(cof)):
sum += cof[i] / (z+i)
s = msum([cof[0]] + [cof[i] / (z+i) for i in range(1,len(cof))])
z += 0.5
return (z+g)**z / exp(z+g) * sqrt(2*pi) * sum
return (z+g)**z / exp(z+g) * sqrt(2.0*pi) * s
class TestDistributions(unittest.TestCase):
def test_zeroinputs(self):
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