Commit 3d0525ee authored by Mark Hammond's avatar Mark Hammond

copy built files to the PCBuild directory, where tools like

distutils or external build processes can find them.
parent 603ffb30
...@@ -14,4 +14,15 @@ if "%1"=="-r" (set build=/rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts ...@@ -14,4 +14,15 @@ if "%1"=="-r" (set build=/rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
set cmd=devenv pcbuild.sln %build% "%conf%|%platf%" set cmd=devenv pcbuild.sln %build% "%conf%|%platf%"
echo %cmd% echo %cmd%
%cmd% %cmd%
\ No newline at end of file
rem Copy whatever was built to the canonical 'PCBuild' directory.
rem This helps extensions which use distutils etc.
rem (Don't check if the build was successful - we expect a few failures
rem due to missing libs)
echo Copying built files to ..\PCBuild
if not exist %platf%%conf%\. (echo %platf%%conf% does not exist - nothing copied & goto xit)
if not exist ..\PCBuild\. (echo ..\PCBuild does not exist - nothing copied & goto xit)
xcopy /q/y %platf%%conf%\* ..\PCBuild\.
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