Commit 3d0525ee authored by Mark Hammond's avatar Mark Hammond

copy built files to the PCBuild directory, where tools like

distutils or external build processes can find them.
parent 603ffb30
...@@ -15,3 +15,14 @@ if "%1"=="-r" (set build=/rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts ...@@ -15,3 +15,14 @@ if "%1"=="-r" (set build=/rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
set cmd=devenv pcbuild.sln %build% "%conf%|%platf%" set cmd=devenv pcbuild.sln %build% "%conf%|%platf%"
echo %cmd% echo %cmd%
%cmd% %cmd%
rem Copy whatever was built to the canonical 'PCBuild' directory.
rem This helps extensions which use distutils etc.
rem (Don't check if the build was successful - we expect a few failures
rem due to missing libs)
echo Copying built files to ..\PCBuild
if not exist %platf%%conf%\. (echo %platf%%conf% does not exist - nothing copied & goto xit)
if not exist ..\PCBuild\. (echo ..\PCBuild does not exist - nothing copied & goto xit)
xcopy /q/y %platf%%conf%\* ..\PCBuild\.
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