Commit 3d2f68d2 authored by Ned Deily's avatar Ned Deily

Issue #19400: Prevent extension module build failures with Xcode 5 on OS X

10.8+ when using a universal Python that included a PPC architecture,
such as with a 32-bit-only binary installer.
parent 6fd25c39
......@@ -235,13 +235,19 @@ def _remove_unsupported_archs(_config_vars):
if'-arch\s+ppc', _config_vars['CFLAGS']) is not None:
# NOTE: Cannot use subprocess here because of bootstrap
# issues when building Python itself
status = os.system("'%s' -arch ppc -x c /dev/null 2>/dev/null"%(
_config_vars['CC'].replace("'", "'\"'\"'"),))
# The Apple compiler drivers return status 255 if no PPC
if (status >> 8) == 255:
# Compiler doesn't support PPC, remove the related
# '-arch' flags if not explicitly overridden by an
# environment variable
status = os.system(
"""echo 'int main{};' | """
"""'%s' -c -arch ppc -x c -o /dev/null /dev/null 2>/dev/null"""
%(_config_vars['CC'].replace("'", "'\"'\"'"),))
if status:
# The compile failed for some reason. Because of differences
# across Xcode and compiler versions, there is no reliable way
# to be sure why it failed. Assume here it was due to lack of
# PPC support and remove the related '-arch' flags from each
# config variables not explicitly overriden by an environment
# variable. If the error was for some other reason, we hope the
# failure will show up again when trying to compile an extension
# module.
if cv in _config_vars and cv not in os.environ:
flags = _config_vars[cv]
......@@ -411,6 +411,10 @@ Library
existing directory caused mkstemp and related APIs to fail instead of
retrying. Report and fix by Vlad Shcherbina.
- Issue #19400: Prevent extension module build failures with Xcode 5 on OS X
10.8+ when using a universal Python that included a PPC architecture,
such as with a 32-bit-only binary installer.
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