Commit 3d34468c authored by Matthias Klose's avatar Matthias Klose

Don't check for broken Berkley-DB versions on some platforms; the

test was required for the _bsddb3 extension, not necessary for the
_dbm extension.
parent f010508b
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ __version__ = "$Revision$"
import sys, os, imp, re, optparse
from glob import glob
from platform import machine as platform_machine
from distutils import log
from distutils import sysconfig
......@@ -671,13 +670,6 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
if not (min_db_ver <= db_ver <= max_db_ver):
return False
# Use this function to filter out known bad configurations.
if (4, 6) == db_ver[:2]:
# BerkeleyDB 4.6.x is not stable on many architectures.
arch = platform_machine()
if arch not in ('i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686',
'x86_64', 'ia64'):
return False
return True
def gen_db_minor_ver_nums(major):
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