Commit 3d830828 authored by Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Issue #7078: _struct.__doc__ was being ignored. Import it into struct.

Also add description of '?' struct format character.  Thanks Gabriel
Genellina for the patch.
parent a5b642c9
from _struct import *
from _struct import _clearcache
from _struct import __doc__
......@@ -1370,6 +1370,8 @@ C-API
Extension Modules
- Issue #7078: Set struct.__doc__ from _struct.__doc__.
- Issue #3366: Add gamma function to math module.
- Issue #6823: Allow time.strftime() to accept a tuple with a isdst field
......@@ -1868,20 +1868,22 @@ static struct PyMethodDef module_functions[] = {
/* Module initialization */
"Functions to convert between Python values and C structs.\n\
Python strings are used to hold the data representing the C struct\n\
and also as format strings to describe the layout of data in the C struct.\n\
"Functions to convert between Python values and C structs represented\n\
as Python strings. It uses format strings (explained below) as compact\n\
descriptions of the lay-out of the C structs and the intended conversion\n\
to/from Python values.\n\
The optional first format char indicates byte order, size and alignment:\n\
@: native order, size & alignment (default)\n\
=: native order, std. size & alignment\n\
<: little-endian, std. size & alignment\n\
>: big-endian, std. size & alignment\n\
!: same as >\n\
@: native order, size & alignment (default)\n\
=: native order, std. size & alignment\n\
<: little-endian, std. size & alignment\n\
>: big-endian, std. size & alignment\n\
!: same as >\n\
The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly;\n\
these can be preceded by a decimal repeat count:\n\
x: pad byte (no data); c:char; b:signed byte; B:unsigned byte;\n\
?: _Bool (requires C99; if not available, char is used instead)\n\
h:short; H:unsigned short; i:int; I:unsigned int;\n\
l:long; L:unsigned long; f:float; d:double.\n\
Special cases (preceding decimal count indicates length):\n\
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