Commit 3eaaeb43 authored by Thomas Heller's avatar Thomas Heller

Merged revisions 63395-63396,63511,63522-63523 via svnmerge from


  r63395 | thomas.heller | 2008-05-16 22:06:31 +0200 (Fr, 16 Mai 2008) | 4 lines

  Issue 1793: Add ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function (on Windows).
  r63396 | thomas.heller | 2008-05-16 22:19:07 +0200 (Fr, 16 Mai 2008) | 4 lines

  Very simple test for ctypes.util.find_library on Windows.
  r63511 | thomas.heller | 2008-05-20 21:53:47 +0200 (Di, 20 Mai 2008) | 6 lines

  On HPUX, -fPIC must be used for linking.  _ctypes now builds on HP-UX
  IA64 and PA machines.

  The ctypes unittests work fine on the IA64, but dump core in
  test_qsort on the PA.
  r63522 | thomas.heller | 2008-05-21 20:47:02 +0200 (Mi, 21 Mai 2008) | 2 lines

  The -x <test1[,test2...]> flag allows to exclude tests.
  r63523 | thomas.heller | 2008-05-21 21:47:44 +0200 (Mi, 21 Mai 2008) | 2 lines

  Oops, get_tests may be called with 3 arguments.
parent ab081cfb
......@@ -50,11 +50,16 @@ def find_package_modules(package, mask):
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(fnm, mask):
yield "%s.%s" % (package.__name__, os.path.splitext(fnm)[0])
def get_tests(package, mask, verbosity):
def get_tests(package, mask, verbosity, exclude=()):
"""Return a list of skipped test modules, and a list of test cases."""
tests = []
skipped = []
for modname in find_package_modules(package, mask):
if modname.split(".")[-1] in exclude:
if verbosity > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, "Skipped %s: excluded" % modname
mod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), ['*'])
except ResourceDenied as detail:
......@@ -151,12 +156,13 @@ class TestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner):
def main(*packages):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "rqvu:")
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "rqvu:x:")
except getopt.error:
return usage()
verbosity = 1
search_leaks = False
exclude = []
for flag, value in opts:
if flag == "-q":
verbosity -= 1
......@@ -171,17 +177,19 @@ def main(*packages):
search_leaks = True
elif flag == "-u":
elif flag == "-x":
mask = "test_*.py"
if args:
mask = args[0]
for package in packages:
run_tests(package, mask, verbosity, search_leaks)
run_tests(package, mask, verbosity, search_leaks, exclude)
def run_tests(package, mask, verbosity, search_leaks):
skipped, testcases = get_tests(package, mask, verbosity)
def run_tests(package, mask, verbosity, search_leaks, exclude):
skipped, testcases = get_tests(package, mask, verbosity, exclude)
runner = TestRunner(verbosity=verbosity)
suites = [unittest.makeSuite(o) for o in testcases]
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Command line flags:
Add resources to the lits of allowed resources. '*' allows all
-v verbose mode: print the test currently executed
Exclude specified tests.
mask mask to select filenames containing testcases, wildcards allowed
import sys
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from ctypes.test import is_resource_enabled
libc_name = None
if == "nt":
libc_name = "msvcrt"
libc_name = find_library("c")
elif == "ce":
libc_name = "coredll"
elif sys.platform == "cygwin":
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class LoaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
if in ("nt", "ce"):
def test_load_library(self):
self.failIf(libc_name is None)
if is_resource_enabled("printing"):
......@@ -2,7 +2,50 @@ import sys, os
# find_library(name) returns the pathname of a library, or None.
if == "nt":
def _get_build_version():
"""Return the version of MSVC that was used to build Python.
For Python 2.3 and up, the version number is included in
sys.version. For earlier versions, assume the compiler is MSVC 6.
# This function was copied from Lib/distutils/
prefix = "MSC v."
i = sys.version.find(prefix)
if i == -1:
return 6
i = i + len(prefix)
s, rest = sys.version[i:].split(" ", 1)
majorVersion = int(s[:-2]) - 6
minorVersion = int(s[2:3]) / 10.0
# I don't think paths are affected by minor version in version 6
if majorVersion == 6:
minorVersion = 0
if majorVersion >= 6:
return majorVersion + minorVersion
# else we don't know what version of the compiler this is
return None
def find_msvcrt():
"""Return the name of the VC runtime dll"""
version = _get_build_version()
if version is None:
# better be safe than sorry
return None
if version <= 6:
clibname = 'msvcrt'
clibname = 'msvcr%d' % (version * 10)
# If python was built with in debug mode
import imp
if imp.get_suffixes()[0][0] == '_d.pyd':
clibname += 'd'
return clibname+'.dll'
def find_library(name):
if name in ('c', 'm'):
return find_msvcrt()
# See MSDN for the REAL search order.
for directory in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
fname = os.path.join(directory, name)
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ ffi_platforms = {
'SH64': ['src/sh64/sysv.S', 'src/sh64/ffi.c'],
'PA': ['src/pa/linux.S', 'src/pa/ffi.c'],
'PA_LINUX': ['src/pa/linux.S', 'src/pa/ffi.c'],
'PA_HPUX': ['src/pa/hpux32.s', 'src/pa/ffi.c'],
ffi_srcdir = '@srcdir@'
......@@ -1408,6 +1408,9 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
# finding some -z option for the Sun compiler.
elif sys.platform.startswith('hpux'):
ext = Extension('_ctypes',
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