Commit 3eb41885 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Mention setdefault() method for dicts

parent 53d93efa
......@@ -556,6 +556,22 @@ added to the \module{sys} module. \code{sys.version_info} is a tuple
\var{level} is a string such as \code{"alpha"}, \code{"beta"}, or
\code{""} for a final release.
Dictionaries have an odd new method, \method{setdefault(\var{key},
\var{default})}, which behaves similarly to the existing
\method{get()} method. However, if the key is missing,
\method{setdefault()} both returns the value of \var{default} as
\method{get()} would do, and also inserts it into the dictionary as
the value for \var{key}. Thus, the following lines of code:
if dict.has_key( key ): return dict[key]
dict[key] = []
return dict[key]
can be reduced to a single \code{return dict.setdefault(key, [])} statement.
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