Commit 3f090080 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Initial revision

parent d66bbe8e
# Module 'Histogram'
from Buttons import *
# A Histogram displays a histogram of numeric data.
# It reacts to resize events by resizing itself,
# leaving the same amount of space around the borders.
class HistogramAppearance() = LabelAppearance():
def define(self, (win, bounds, ydata, scale)):
self.init_appearance(win, bounds)
self.ydata = ydata
self.scale = scale # (min, max)
self.left_top, (right, bottom) = bounds
width, height = win.getwinsize()
self.right_margin = width - right
self.bottom_margin = height - bottom
return self
def setdata(self, (ydata, scale)):
self.ydata = ydata
self.scale = scale # (min, max)
def drawit(self, d):
ydata = self.ydata
(left, top), (right, bottom) = self.bounds
min, max = self.scale
size = max-min
width, height = right-left, bottom-top
for i in range(len(ydata)):
h0 = left + i * width/len(ydata)
h1 = left + (i+1) * width/len(ydata)
v0 = top + height - (self.ydata[i]-min)*height/size
v1 = top + height
d.paint((h0, v0), (h1, v1))
def resize(self):
width, height =
right = width - self.right_margin
bottom = height - self.bottom_margin
self.setbounds(self.left_top, (right, bottom))
class HistogramReactivity() = NoReactivity(): pass
class Histogram() = HistogramAppearance(), HistogramReactivity(): pass
# Module 'Soundogram'
import audio
from minmax import min, max
from Histogram import Histogram
class Soundogram() = Histogram():
def define(self, (win, chunk)):
width, height = corner = win.getwinsize()
bounds = (0, 0), corner
self.chunk = chunk
self.step = (len(chunk)-1)/(width/2+1) + 1
ydata = _make_ydata(chunk, self.step)
return Histogram.define(self, (win, bounds, ydata, (0, 128)))
def setchunk(self, chunk):
self.chunk = chunk
def recompute(self):
(left, top), (right, bottom) = self.bounds
width = right - left
self.step = (len(chunk)-1)/width + 1
ydata = _make_ydata(chunk, self.step)
self.setdata(ydata, (0, 128))
def _make_ydata(chunk, step):
ydata = []
for i in range(0, len(chunk), step):
piece = audio.chr2num(chunk[i:i+step])
mi, ma = min(piece), max(piece)
y = max(abs(mi), abs(ma))
return ydata
# Module 'Histogram'
from Buttons import *
# A Histogram displays a histogram of numeric data.
# It reacts to resize events by resizing itself,
# leaving the same amount of space around the borders.
class HistogramAppearance() = LabelAppearance():
def define(self, (win, bounds, ydata, scale)):
self.init_appearance(win, bounds)
self.ydata = ydata
self.scale = scale # (min, max)
self.left_top, (right, bottom) = bounds
width, height = win.getwinsize()
self.right_margin = width - right
self.bottom_margin = height - bottom
return self
def setdata(self, (ydata, scale)):
self.ydata = ydata
self.scale = scale # (min, max)
def drawit(self, d):
ydata = self.ydata
(left, top), (right, bottom) = self.bounds
min, max = self.scale
size = max-min
width, height = right-left, bottom-top
for i in range(len(ydata)):
h0 = left + i * width/len(ydata)
h1 = left + (i+1) * width/len(ydata)
v0 = top + height - (self.ydata[i]-min)*height/size
v1 = top + height
d.paint((h0, v0), (h1, v1))
def resize(self):
width, height =
right = width - self.right_margin
bottom = height - self.bottom_margin
self.setbounds(self.left_top, (right, bottom))
class HistogramReactivity() = NoReactivity(): pass
class Histogram() = HistogramAppearance(), HistogramReactivity(): pass
# Module 'Soundogram'
import audio
from minmax import min, max
from Histogram import Histogram
class Soundogram() = Histogram():
def define(self, (win, chunk)):
width, height = corner = win.getwinsize()
bounds = (0, 0), corner
self.chunk = chunk
self.step = (len(chunk)-1)/(width/2+1) + 1
ydata = _make_ydata(chunk, self.step)
return Histogram.define(self, (win, bounds, ydata, (0, 128)))
def setchunk(self, chunk):
self.chunk = chunk
def recompute(self):
(left, top), (right, bottom) = self.bounds
width = right - left
self.step = (len(chunk)-1)/width + 1
ydata = _make_ydata(chunk, self.step)
self.setdata(ydata, (0, 128))
def _make_ydata(chunk, step):
ydata = []
for i in range(0, len(chunk), step):
piece = audio.chr2num(chunk[i:i+step])
mi, ma = min(piece), max(piece)
y = max(abs(mi), abs(ma))
return ydata
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