Commit 401eb278 authored by Hye-Shik Chang's avatar Hye-Shik Chang

Update documentations for str.rsplit() with Alex Martelli's rewrite.

parent a3145a57
......@@ -694,21 +694,11 @@ The original string is returned if
\versionchanged[Support for the \var{fillchar} argument]{2.4}
\begin{methoddesc}[string]{rsplit}{\optional{, sep\optional{, maxsplit}}}
Return a list of the words of the string, scanning the string from
the end working forward. The resulting list of words is in the
same order as \function{split()}. If the optional second argument
\var{sep} is absent or \code{None}, the words are separated by
arbitrary strings of whitespace characters (space, tab, newline,
return, formfeed). If the second argument \var{sep} is present and
not \code{None}, it specifies a string to be used as the word
separator. The returned list will then have one more item than the
number of non-overlapping occurrences of the separator in the string.
The optional third argument \var{maxsplit} defaults to 0. If it
is nonzero, at most \var{maxsplit} number of splits occur, and the
remainder of the string is returned as the first element of the
list (thus, the list will have at most \code{\var{maxsplit}+1}
\begin{methoddesc}[string]{rsplit}{\optional{sep \optional{,maxsplit}}}
Return a list of the words in the string, using \var{sep} as the
delimiter string. If \var{maxsplit} is given, at most \var{maxsplit}
splits are done, the \em{rightmost} ones. If \var{sep} is not specified
or \code{None}, any whitespace string is a separator.
......@@ -216,19 +216,14 @@ The functions defined in this module are:
\begin{funcdesc}{rsplit}{s\optional{, sep\optional{, maxsplit}}}
Return a list of the words of the string \var{s}, scanning \var{s} from
the end working forward. The resulting list of words is in the same
order as \function{split()}. If the optional second argument \var{sep}
is absent or \code{None}, the words are separated by arbitrary strings
of whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, return, formfeed).
If the second argument \var{sep} is present and not \code{None}, it
specifies a string to be used as the word separator. The returned
list will then have one more item than the number of non-overlapping
occurrences of the separator in the string. The optional third argument
\var{maxsplit} defaults to 0. If it is nonzero, at most \var{maxsplit}
number of splits occur, and the remainder of the string is returned
as the first element of the list (thus, the list will have at most
\code{\var{maxsplit}+1} elements).
Return a list of the words of the string \var{s}, scanning \var{s}
from the end. To all intents and purposes, the resulting list of
words is the same as returned by \function{split()}, except when the
optional third argument \var{maxsplit} is explicitly specified and
nonzero. When \var{maxsplit} is nonzero, at most \var{maxsplit}
number of splits -- the \em{rightmost} ones -- occur, and the remainder
of the string is returned as the first element of the list (thus, the
list will have at most \code{\var{maxsplit}+1} elements).
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