Commit 410e88d5 authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Change tests for imp.cache_from_source() to follow os.path.join/split

parent 6240bd11
......@@ -227,73 +227,62 @@ class PEP3147Tests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cache_from_source(self):
# Given the path to a .py file, return the path to its PEP 3147
# defined .pyc file (i.e. under __pycache__).
imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/baz/', True),
# Directory with a dot, filename without dot
imp.cache_from_source('/', True),
path = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '')
expect = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '__pycache__',
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source(path, True), expect)
def test_cache_from_source_no_dot(self):
# Directory with a dot, filename without dot.
path = os.path.join('', 'file')
expect = os.path.join('', '__pycache__',
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source(path, True), expect)
def test_cache_from_source_optimized(self):
# Given the path to a .py file, return the path to its PEP 3147
# defined .pyo file (i.e. under __pycache__).
imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/baz/', False),
path = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '')
expect = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '__pycache__',
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source(path, False), expect)
def test_cache_from_source_cwd(self):
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source('', True),
path = ''
expect = os.path.join('__pycache__', 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag))
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source(path, True), expect)
def test_cache_from_source_override(self):
# When debug_override is not None, it can be any true-ish or false-ish
# value.
imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/', []),
imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/', [17]),
path = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', '')
partial_expect = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', '__pycache__',
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source(path, []), partial_expect + 'o')
self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source(path, [17]),
partial_expect + 'c')
# However if the bool-ishness can't be determined, the exception
# propagates.
class Bearish:
def __bool__(self): raise RuntimeError
imp.cache_from_source, '/foo/bar/', Bearish())
@unittest.skipIf(os.altsep is None,
'test meaningful only where os.altsep is defined')
def test_altsep_cache_from_source(self):
# Windows path and PEP 3147.
imp.cache_from_source('\\foo\\bar\\baz\\', True),
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/', Bearish())
@unittest.skipIf(os.altsep is None,
'test meaningful only where os.altsep is defined')
def test_altsep_and_sep_cache_from_source(self):
# Windows path and PEP 3147 where altsep is right of sep.
imp.cache_from_source('\\foo\\bar/baz\\', True),
@unittest.skipIf(os.altsep is None,
@unittest.skipUnless(os.sep == '\\' and os.altsep == '/',
'test meaningful only where os.altsep is defined')
def test_sep_altsep_and_sep_cache_from_source(self):
# Windows path and PEP 3147 where sep is right of altsep.
imp.cache_from_source('\\foo\\bar\\baz/', True),
def test_source_from_cache(self):
# Given the path to a PEP 3147 defined .pyc file, return the path to
# its source. This tests the good path.
path = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '__pycache__',
expect = os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '')
self.assertEqual(imp.source_from_cache(path), expect)
def test_source_from_cache_bad_path(self):
# When the path to a pyc file is not in PEP 3147 format, a ValueError
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