Commit 41f72aa7 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Require _tkinter -- don't attempt to import tkinter when _tkinter does

not exist.  All 8 uses of tkinter are replaced with _tkinter.  Still
create a variable tkinter though, because that is used by other
modules importing Tkinter (e.g. tkinter.createfilehandler()).

Also added a comment to the 'import _tkinter' line saying that if this
fails, Python is not configured correctly.
parent fe630b9d
......@@ -2,30 +2,15 @@
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# See if modern _tkinter is present
import _tkinter
tkinter = _tkinter # b/w compat
except ImportError:
# No modern _tkinter -- try oldfashioned tkinter
import tkinter
if hasattr(tkinter, "__path__"):
import sys, os
# Append standard platform specific directory
p = tkinter.__path__
for dir in sys.path:
if (dir not in p and
os.path.basename(dir) == sys.platform):
del sys, os, p, dir
from tkinter import tkinter
TclError = tkinter.TclError
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python is not configured for Tk
tkinter = _tkinter # b/w compat for export
TclError = _tkinter.TclError
from types import *
from Tkconstants import *
import string; _string = string; del string
TkVersion = _string.atof(tkinter.TK_VERSION)
TclVersion = _string.atof(tkinter.TCL_VERSION)
TkVersion = _string.atof(_tkinter.TK_VERSION)
TclVersion = _string.atof(_tkinter.TCL_VERSION)
# Since the values of file event masks changed from Tk 4.0 to Tk 4.1,
......@@ -667,7 +652,7 @@ class Tk(Misc, Wm):
baseName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(baseName)
if ext not in ('.py', 'pyc'): baseName = baseName + ext = tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className) = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className)
# Disable event scanning except for Command-Period
import MacOS
......@@ -679,15 +664,15 @@ class Tk(Misc, Wm):
# Version sanity checks
tk_version ='tk_version')
if tk_version != tkinter.TK_VERSION:
if tk_version != _tkinter.TK_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError, \
"tk.h version (%s) doesn't match libtk.a version (%s)" \
% (tkinter.TK_VERSION, tk_version)
% (_tkinter.TK_VERSION, tk_version)
tcl_version ='tcl_version')
if tcl_version != tkinter.TCL_VERSION:
if tcl_version != _tkinter.TCL_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError, \
"tcl.h version (%s) doesn't match libtcl.a version (%s)" \
% (tkinter.TCL_VERSION, tcl_version)
% (_tkinter.TCL_VERSION, tcl_version)
if TkVersion < 4.0:
raise RuntimeError, \
"Tk 4.0 or higher is required; found Tk %s" \
......@@ -2,30 +2,15 @@
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# See if modern _tkinter is present
import _tkinter
tkinter = _tkinter # b/w compat
except ImportError:
# No modern _tkinter -- try oldfashioned tkinter
import tkinter
if hasattr(tkinter, "__path__"):
import sys, os
# Append standard platform specific directory
p = tkinter.__path__
for dir in sys.path:
if (dir not in p and
os.path.basename(dir) == sys.platform):
del sys, os, p, dir
from tkinter import tkinter
TclError = tkinter.TclError
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python is not configured for Tk
tkinter = _tkinter # b/w compat for export
TclError = _tkinter.TclError
from types import *
from Tkconstants import *
import string; _string = string; del string
TkVersion = _string.atof(tkinter.TK_VERSION)
TclVersion = _string.atof(tkinter.TCL_VERSION)
TkVersion = _string.atof(_tkinter.TK_VERSION)
TclVersion = _string.atof(_tkinter.TCL_VERSION)
# Since the values of file event masks changed from Tk 4.0 to Tk 4.1,
......@@ -667,7 +652,7 @@ class Tk(Misc, Wm):
baseName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(baseName)
if ext not in ('.py', 'pyc'): baseName = baseName + ext = tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className) = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className)
# Disable event scanning except for Command-Period
import MacOS
......@@ -679,15 +664,15 @@ class Tk(Misc, Wm):
# Version sanity checks
tk_version ='tk_version')
if tk_version != tkinter.TK_VERSION:
if tk_version != _tkinter.TK_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError, \
"tk.h version (%s) doesn't match libtk.a version (%s)" \
% (tkinter.TK_VERSION, tk_version)
% (_tkinter.TK_VERSION, tk_version)
tcl_version ='tcl_version')
if tcl_version != tkinter.TCL_VERSION:
if tcl_version != _tkinter.TCL_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError, \
"tcl.h version (%s) doesn't match libtcl.a version (%s)" \
% (tkinter.TCL_VERSION, tcl_version)
% (_tkinter.TCL_VERSION, tcl_version)
if TkVersion < 4.0:
raise RuntimeError, \
"Tk 4.0 or higher is required; found Tk %s" \
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