Commit 42b9bc7a authored by Greg Stein's avatar Greg Stein

add TODO section

parent fc9d2252
......@@ -604,3 +604,103 @@ def _test_revamp():
sys.path.insert(0, BuiltinImporter())
# from Finn Bock:
# remove use of "strop" -- not available in JPython
# type(sys) is not a module in JPython. what to use instead?
# imp.C_EXTENSION is not in JPython. same for get_suffixes and new_module
# given of:
# import sys
# sys.modules['foo'] = sys
# ---- standard import mechanism
# >>> import foo
# >>> foo
# <module 'sys' (built-in)>
# ---- revamped import mechanism
# >>> import imputil
# >>> imputil._test_revamp()
# >>> import foo
# >>> foo
# <module 'foo' from ''>
# from MAL:
# should BuiltinImporter exist in sys.path or hard-wired in ImportManager?
# need __path__ processing
# performance
# move chaining to a subclass [gjs: it's been nuked]
# avoid strop
# deinstall should be possible
# query mechanism needed: is a specific Importer installed?
# py/pyc/pyo piping hooks to filter/process these files
# wish list:
# distutils importer hooked to list of standard Internet repositories
# module->file location mapper to speed FS-based imports
# relative imports
# keep chaining so that it can play nice with other import hooks
# from Gordon:
# push MAL's mapper into sys.path[0] as a cache (hard-coded for apps)
# from Guido:
# need to change sys.* references for rexec environs
# need hook for MAL's walk-me-up import strategy, or Tim's absolute strategy
# watch out for sys.modules[...] == None
# flag to force absolute imports? (speeds _determine_import_context and
# checking for a relative module)
# insert names of archives into sys.path (see quote below)
# note: reload does NOT blast module dict
# shift import mechanisms and policies around; provide for hooks, overrides
# (see quote below)
# add get_source stuff
# get_topcode and get_subcode
# CRLF handling in _compile
# race condition in _compile
# refactoring of to deal with _os_bootstrap problem
# any special handling to do for importing a module with a SyntaxError?
# (e.g. clean up the traceback)
# implement "domain" for path-type functionality using pkg namespace
# (rather than FS-names like __path__)
# don't use the word "private"... maybe "internal"
# Guido's comments on sys.path caching:
# We could cache this in a dictionary: the ImportManager can have a
# cache dict mapping pathnames to importer objects, and a separate
# method for coming up with an importer given a pathname that's not yet
# in the cache. The method should do a stat and/or look at the
# extension to decide which importer class to use; you can register new
# importer classes by registering a suffix or a Boolean function, plus a
# class. If you register a new importer class, the cache is zapped.
# The cache is independent from sys.path (but maintained per
# ImportManager instance) so that rearrangements of sys.path do the
# right thing. If a path is dropped from sys.path the corresponding
# cache entry is simply no longer used.
# My/Guido's comments on factoring ImportManager and Importer:
# > However, we still have a tension occurring here:
# >
# > 1) implementing policy in ImportManager assists in single-point policy
# > changes for app/rexec situations
# > 2) implementing policy in Importer assists in package-private policy
# > changes for normal, operating conditions
# >
# > I'll see if I can sort out a way to do this. Maybe the Importer class will
# > implement the methods (which can be overridden to change policy) by
# > delegating to ImportManager.
# Maybe also think about what kind of policies an Importer would be
# likely to want to change. I have a feeling that a lot of the code
# there is actually not so much policy but a *necessity* to get things
# working given the calling conventions for the __import__ hook: whether
# to return the head or tail of a dotted name, or when to do the "finish
# fromlist" stuff.
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