Commit 430b1563 authored by Walter Dörwald's avatar Walter Dörwald

Add documentation for the PEP 293 functionality:

The errors attribute can be changed after the reader/writer
is created.

For encoding there are two additional errors values:
"xmlcharrefreplace" and "backslashreplace".

These values can be extended via register_error().
parent b5f41ded
......@@ -227,14 +227,21 @@ string values are defined and implemented by all standard Python
\lineii{'strict'}{Raise \exception{ValueError} (or a subclass);
\lineii{'strict'}{Raise \exception{UnicodeError} (or a subclass);
this is the default.}
\lineii{'ignore'}{Ignore the character and continue with the next.}
\lineii{'replace'}{Replace with a suitable replacement character;
Python will use the official U+FFFD REPLACEMENT
CHARACTER for the built-in Unicode codecs.}
CHARACTER for the built-in Unicode codecs on
decoding and '?' on encoding.}
\lineii{'xmlcharrefreplace'}{Replace with the appropriate XML
character reference (only for encoding).}
\lineii{'backslashreplace'}{Replace with backslashed escape sequences
(only for encoding).}
The set of allowed values can be extended via \method{register_error}.
\subsubsection{Codec Objects \label{codec-objects}}
......@@ -303,14 +310,25 @@ order to be compatible to the Python codec registry.
The \class{StreamWriter} may implement different error handling
schemes by providing the \var{errors} keyword argument. These
parameters are defined:
parameters are predefined:
\item \code{'strict'} Raise \exception{ValueError} (or a subclass);
this is the default.
\item \code{'ignore'} Ignore the character and continue with the next.
\item \code{'replace'} Replace with a suitable replacement character
\item \code{'xmlcharrefreplace'} Replace with the appropriate XML
character reference
\item \code{'backslashreplace'} Replace with backslashed escape sequences.
The \var{errors} argument will be assigned to an attribute of the
same name. Assigning to this attribute makes it possible to switch
between different error handling strategies during the lifetime
of the \class{StreamWriter} object.
The set of allowed values for the \var{errors} argument can
be extended with \function{register_error()}.
......@@ -360,6 +378,14 @@ order to be compatible to the Python codec registry.
\item \code{'ignore'} Ignore the character and continue with the next.
\item \code{'replace'} Replace with a suitable replacement character.
The \var{errors} argument will be assigned to an attribute of the
same name. Assigning to this attribute makes it possible to switch
between different error handling strategies during the lifetime
of the \class{StreamReader} object.
The set of allowed values for the \var{errors} argument can
be extended with \function{register_error()}.
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