Commit 44277e1a authored by Florent Xicluna's avatar Florent Xicluna

Fix test_pprint random dict ordering.

parent e4a9093a
......@@ -467,8 +467,9 @@ class QueryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
'{1: 0, ' + repr(Unorderable) +': 0}')
# Issue 14998: TypeError on tuples with NoneTypes as dict keys.
self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat({(1,): 0, (None,): 0}),
'{(1,): 0, (None,): 0}')
keys = [(1,), (None,)]
self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(dict.fromkeys(keys, 0)),
'{%r: 0, %r: 0}' % tuple(sorted(keys, key=id)))
class DottedPrettyPrinter(pprint.PrettyPrinter):
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