Commit 44bbe984 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Add examples to the xmlrpclib docs.

Written for GHOP by Josip Dzolonga.
parent cba03f88
......@@ -129,7 +129,11 @@ alone XML-RPC servers.
.. versionadded:: 2.5
.. _simplexmlrpcserver-example:
SimpleXMLRPCServer Example
Server code::
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
......@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ Example::
# Run the server's main loop
The following client code will call the methods made available by the preceding
The following client code will call the methods made available by the preceding
import xmlrpclib
......@@ -202,6 +202,26 @@ unmarshalling code:
Write the XML-RPC encoding of this Boolean item to the out stream object.
A working example follows. The server code::
import xmlrpclib
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
def is_even(n):
return n%2 == 0
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
print "Listening on port 8000..."
server.register_function(is_even, "is_even")
The client code for the preceding server::
import xmlrpclib
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/")
print "3 is even: %s" % str(proxy.is_even(3))
print "100 is even: %s" % str(proxy.is_even(100))
.. _datetime-objects:
......@@ -227,6 +247,32 @@ mainly for internal use by the marshalling/unmarshalling code:
It also supports certain of Python's built-in operators through :meth:`__cmp__`
and :meth:`__repr__` methods.
A working example follows. The server code::
import datetime
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib
def today():
today =
return xmlrpclib.DateTime(today)
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
print "Listening on port 8000..."
server.register_function(today, "today")
The client code for the preceding server::
import xmlrpclib
import datetime
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/")
today =
# convert the ISO8601 string to a datetime object
converted = datetime.datetime.strptime(today.value, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S")
print "Today: %s" % converted.strftime("%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M")
.. _binary-objects:
......@@ -259,6 +305,31 @@ internal use by the marshalling/unmarshalling code:
It also supports certain of Python's built-in operators through a
:meth:`__cmp__` method.
Example usage of the binary objects. We're going to transfer an image over
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib
def python_logo():
handle = open("python_logo.jpg")
return xmlrpclib.Binary(
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
print "Listening on port 8000..."
server.register_function(python_logo, 'python_logo')
The client gets the image and saves it to a file::
import xmlrpclib
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/")
handle = open("fetched_python_logo.jpg", "w")
.. _fault-objects:
......@@ -278,6 +349,35 @@ objects have the following members:
A string containing a diagnostic message associated with the fault.
In the following example we're going to intentionally cause a :exc:`Fault` by
returning a complex type object. The server code::
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
# A marshalling error is going to occur because we're returning a
# complex number
def add(x,y):
return x+y+0j
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
print "Listening on port 8000..."
server.register_function(add, 'add')
The client code for the preceding server::
import xmlrpclib
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/")
proxy.add(2, 5)
except xmlrpclib.Fault, err:
print "A fault occured"
print "Fault code: %d" % err.faultCode
print "Fault string: %s" % err.faultString
.. _protocol-error-objects:
......@@ -309,6 +409,22 @@ does not exist). It has the following members:
A string containing the headers of the HTTP/HTTPS request that triggered the
In the following example we're going to intentionally cause a :exc:`ProtocolError`
by providing an invalid URI::
import xmlrpclib
# create a ServerProxy with an invalid URI
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://invalidaddress/")
except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, err:
print "A protocol error occured"
print "URL: %s" % err.url
print "HTTP/HTTPS headers: %s" % err.headers
print "Error code: %d" % err.errcode
print "Error message: %s" % err.errmsg
MultiCall Objects
......@@ -329,12 +445,45 @@ encapsulate multiple calls to a remote server into a single request.
is a :term:`generator`; iterating over this generator yields the individual
A usage example of this class is ::
A usage example of this class follows. The server code ::
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
def add(x,y):
return x+y
multicall = MultiCall(server_proxy)
add_result, address = multicall()
def subtract(x, y):
return x-y
def multiply(x, y):
return x*y
def divide(x, y):
return x/y
# A simple server with simple arithmetic functions
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
print "Listening on port 8000..."
server.register_function(add, 'add')
server.register_function(subtract, 'subtract')
server.register_function(multiply, 'multiply')
server.register_function(divide, 'divide')
The client code for the preceding server::
import xmlrpclib
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/")
multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(proxy)
result = multicall()
print "7+3=%d, 7-3=%d, 7*3=%d, 7/3=%d" % tuple(result)
Convenience Functions
......@@ -422,3 +571,10 @@ transport. The following example, written by NoboNobo, shows how:
server = xmlrpclib.Server('', transport=p)
print server.currentTime.getCurrentTime()
Example of Client and Server Usage
See :ref:`simplexmlrpcserver-example`.
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