Commit 4611b05b authored by Ezio Melotti's avatar Ezio Melotti

avoid to use zlib when the compress type is not ZIP_DEFLATED

parent 9ef7d4f7
......@@ -471,7 +471,12 @@ class ZipExtFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
self._fileobj = fileobj
self._decrypter = decrypter
self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
self._compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
self._compress_size = zipinfo.compress_size
self._compress_left = zipinfo.compress_size
if self._compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED:
self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
self._unconsumed = ''
self._readbuffer = ''
......@@ -480,10 +485,6 @@ class ZipExtFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
self._universal = 'U' in mode
self.newlines = None
self._compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
self._compress_size = zipinfo.compress_size
self._compress_left = zipinfo.compress_size
# Adjust read size for encrypted files since the first 12 bytes
# are for the encryption/password information.
if self._decrypter is not None:
......@@ -599,7 +600,8 @@ class ZipExtFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
self._unconsumed += data
# Handle unconsumed data.
if len(self._unconsumed) > 0 and n > len_readbuffer:
if (len(self._unconsumed) > 0 and n > len_readbuffer and
self._compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED):
data = self._decompressor.decompress(
max(n - len_readbuffer, self.MIN_READ_SIZE)
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