Commit 477c9099 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Point users to the subprocess module in the docs for os.system, os.spawn*,...

Point users to the subprocess module in the docs for os.system, os.spawn*, os.popen2, and the popen2 and commands modules
parent 7467f12f
......@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ The \module{commands} module contains wrapper functions for
return any output generated by the command and, optionally, the exit
The \module{subprocess} module provides more powerful facilities for
spawning new processes and retrieving their results. Using the
\module{subprocess} module is preferable to using the \module{commands}
The \module{commands} module defines the following functions:
......@@ -51,3 +56,7 @@ Example:
>>> commands.getstatus('/bin/ls')
'-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 13352 Oct 14 1994 /bin/ls'
\seemodule{subprocess}{Module for spawning and managing subprocesses.}
......@@ -361,6 +361,10 @@ object, except that when the exit status is zero (termination without
errors), \code{None} is returned.
Availability: Macintosh, \UNIX, Windows.
The \module{subprocess} module provides more powerful facilities for
spawning new processes and retrieving their results; using that module
is preferable to using this function.
\versionchanged[This function worked unreliably under Windows in
earlier versions of Python. This was due to the use of the
\cfunction{_popen()} function from the libraries provided with
......@@ -375,8 +379,13 @@ deleted once there are no file descriptors for the file.
Availability: Macintosh, \UNIX, Windows.
There are a number of different \function{popen*()} functions that
provide slightly different ways to create subprocesses. Note that the
\module{subprocess} module is easier to use and more powerful;
consider using that module before writing code using the
lower-level \function{popen*()} functions.
For each of the following \function{popen()} variants, if \var{bufsize} is
For each of the \function{popen*()} variants, if \var{bufsize} is
specified, it specifies the buffer size for the I/O pipes.
\var{mode}, if provided, should be the string \code{'b'} or
\code{'t'}; on Windows this is needed to determine whether the file
......@@ -1547,7 +1556,13 @@ functions are described in section \ref{os-newstreams}.
\funcline{spawnve}{mode, path, args, env}
\funcline{spawnvp}{mode, file, args}
\funcline{spawnvpe}{mode, file, args, env}
Execute the program \var{path} in a new process. If \var{mode} is
Execute the program \var{path} in a new process.
(Note that the \module{subprocess} module provides more powerful
facilities for spawning new processes and retrieving their results;
using that module is preferable to using these functions.)
If \var{mode} is
\constant{P_NOWAIT}, this function returns the process ID of the new
process; if \var{mode} is \constant{P_WAIT}, returns the process's
exit code if it exits normally, or \code{-\var{signal}}, where
......@@ -1684,6 +1699,10 @@ and XP) this is the exit status of the command run; on systems using
a non-native shell, consult your shell documentation.
Availability: Macintosh, \UNIX, Windows.
The \module{subprocess} module provides more powerful facilities for
spawning new processes and retrieving their results; using that module
is preferable to using this function.
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ This module allows you to spawn processes and connect to their
input/output/error pipes and obtain their return codes under
\UNIX{} and Windows.
Note that starting with Python 2.0, this functionality is available
using functions from the \refmodule{os} module which have the same
names as the factory functions here, but the order of the return
values is more intuitive in the \refmodule{os} module variants.
The \module{subprocess} module provides more powerful facilities for
spawning new processes and retrieving their results. Using the
\module{subprocess} module is preferable to using the \module{popen2}
The primary interface offered by this module is a trio of factory
functions. For each of these, if \var{bufsize} is specified,
......@@ -184,3 +184,7 @@ integrate I/O over pipes with their \function{select()} loops, or use
separate threads to read each of the individual files provided by
whichever \function{popen*()} function or \class{Popen*} class was
\seemodule{subprocess}{Module for spawning and managing subprocesses.}
......@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return
codes. This module intends to replace several other, older modules
and functions, such as:
% XXX Should add pointers to this module to at least the popen2
% and commands sections.
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