Commit 48299a2f authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

include each row in the package table, even if there are no packages for

that row; the row is commented out in that case
(this makes it easier to modify the table after generation)
parent ece92f3b
......@@ -67,14 +67,17 @@ for name, prefix in PKG_TYPES:
have_tgz = isfile(tgz_fn)
have_bz2 = isfile(bz2_fn)
if have_zip or have_tgz or have_bz2:
print " <tr><td>%s</td>" % name
print get_file_cell(prefix, ".zip", have_zip)
print get_file_cell(prefix, ".tgz", have_tgz)
print get_file_cell(prefix, ".tar.bz2", have_bz2)
print " </tr>"
have_some = have_zip or have_tgz or have_bz2
if not have_some:
print " <!--"
print " <tr><td>%s</td>" % name
print get_file_cell(prefix, ".zip", have_zip)
print get_file_cell(prefix, ".tgz", have_tgz)
print get_file_cell(prefix, ".tar.bz2", have_bz2)
print " </tr>"
if not have_some:
print " -->"
print '''\
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