Commit 4847e4e1 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #19886: Use better estimated memory requirements for bigmem tests.

Incorrect requirements can cause memory swapping.
parent f4511124
......@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ from pickle import bytes_types
# kind of outer loop.
protocols = range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1)
ascii_char_size = 1
# Return True if opcode code appears in the pickle, else False.
def opcode_in_pickle(code, pickle):
......@@ -1331,7 +1329,7 @@ class BigmemPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
# Binary protocols can serialize longs of up to 2GB-1
@bigmemtest(size=_2G, memuse=1 + 1, dry_run=False)
@bigmemtest(size=_2G, memuse=3.6, dry_run=False)
def test_huge_long_32b(self, size):
data = 1 << (8 * size)
......@@ -1347,7 +1345,7 @@ class BigmemPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
# (older protocols don't have a dedicated opcode for bytes and are
# too inefficient)
@bigmemtest(size=_2G, memuse=1 + 1, dry_run=False)
@bigmemtest(size=_2G, memuse=2.5, dry_run=False)
def test_huge_bytes_32b(self, size):
data = b"abcd" * (size // 4)
......@@ -1363,7 +1361,7 @@ class BigmemPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
data = None
@bigmemtest(size=_4G, memuse=1 + 1, dry_run=False)
@bigmemtest(size=_4G, memuse=2.5, dry_run=False)
def test_huge_bytes_64b(self, size):
data = b"a" * size
......@@ -1378,7 +1376,7 @@ class BigmemPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
# All protocols use 1-byte per printable ASCII character; we add another
# byte because the encoded form has to be copied into the internal buffer.
@bigmemtest(size=_2G, memuse=2 + ascii_char_size, dry_run=False)
@bigmemtest(size=_2G, memuse=8, dry_run=False)
def test_huge_str_32b(self, size):
data = "abcd" * (size // 4)
......@@ -1395,7 +1393,7 @@ class BigmemPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
# BINUNICODE (protocols 1, 2 and 3) cannot carry more than
# 2**32 - 1 bytes of utf-8 encoded unicode.
@bigmemtest(size=_4G, memuse=1 + ascii_char_size, dry_run=False)
@bigmemtest(size=_4G, memuse=8, dry_run=False)
def test_huge_str_64b(self, size):
data = "a" * size
......@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ class BZ2DecompressorTest(BaseTest):
self.assertRaises(EOFError, bz2d.decompress, b"anything")
self.assertRaises(EOFError, bz2d.decompress, b"")
@bigmemtest(size=_4G + 100, memuse=3)
@bigmemtest(size=_4G + 100, memuse=3.3)
def testDecompress4G(self, size):
# "Test BZ2Decompressor.decompress() with >4GiB input"
blocksize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
......@@ -235,21 +235,15 @@ class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@bigmemtest(size=_4G + 5, memuse=1)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.maxsize < _4G + 5, 'test cannot run on 32-bit systems')
@bigmemtest(size=_4G + 5, memuse=1, dry_run=False)
def test_case_md5_huge(self, size):
if size == _4G + 5:
self.check('md5', b'A'*size, 'c9af2dff37468ce5dfee8f2cfc0a9c6d')
except OverflowError:
pass # 32-bit arch
self.check('md5', b'A'*size, 'c9af2dff37468ce5dfee8f2cfc0a9c6d')
@bigmemtest(size=_4G - 1, memuse=1)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.maxsize < _4G - 1, 'test cannot run on 32-bit systems')
@bigmemtest(size=_4G - 1, memuse=1, dry_run=False)
def test_case_md5_uintmax(self, size):
if size == _4G - 1:
self.check('md5', b'A'*size, '28138d306ff1b8281f1a9067e1a1a2b3')
except OverflowError:
pass # 32-bit arch
self.check('md5', b'A'*size, '28138d306ff1b8281f1a9067e1a1a2b3')
# use the three examples from Federal Information Processing Standards
# Publication 180-1, Secure Hash Standard, 1995 April 17
......@@ -303,19 +303,19 @@ class LargeValuesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def check_unmarshallable(self, data):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, marshal.dump, data, NullWriter())
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=1, dry_run=False)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=2, dry_run=False)
def test_bytes(self, size):
self.check_unmarshallable(b'x' * size)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=1, dry_run=False)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=2, dry_run=False)
def test_str(self, size):
self.check_unmarshallable('x' * size)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=pointer_size, dry_run=False)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=pointer_size + 1, dry_run=False)
def test_tuple(self, size):
self.check_unmarshallable((None,) * size)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=pointer_size, dry_run=False)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=pointer_size + 1, dry_run=False)
def test_list(self, size):
self.check_unmarshallable([None] * size)
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class LargeValuesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_frozenset(self, size):
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=1, dry_run=False)
@support.bigmemtest(size=LARGE_SIZE, memuse=2, dry_run=False)
def test_bytearray(self, size):
......@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ cET_alias = import_fresh_module('xml.etree.cElementTree',
class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase):
# Issue #8651.
@support.bigmemtest(size=support._2G + 100, memuse=1)
@support.bigmemtest(size=support._2G + 100, memuse=1, dry_run=False)
def test_length_overflow(self, size):
if size < support._2G + 100:
self.skipTest("not enough free memory, need at least 2 GB")
data = b'x' * size
parser = cET.XMLParser()
......@@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ IDLE
- Issue #19886: Use better estimated memory requirements for bigmem tests.
- Issue #20055: Fix test_shutil under Windows with symlink privileges held.
Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
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